But if you are hunting you have a reasonable excuse to discharge your firearm and you are not doing it to frighten someone.
Liked On: 08-01-2025, 07:00 AM
IWI land - private land, doesn’t have to be publicly notified. No big deal.
Liked On: 07-01-2025, 04:18 PM
There is a lot of sense in this, "the enemy you know..." in keeping what you have if it's doing the mahi for you. I'm not so sure about the pre 2016 Dmax, engines are pretty robust but the...
Liked On: 07-01-2025, 06:15 AM
The guy involved had a mini doco made of him 6 years ago. Others may call it a mental health issue, but he was as happy as a clam living with his pigs, in the house and property he was born at in...
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 12:47 PM
Personally I haven't seen much thought that they had it coming, so to speak. What I have seen, not just on here, but on most platforms and not relegated to hunting groups either, Is a recognition...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 04:00 PM
Well. If you decide to enter someone's property with intent to steal,then what follows may not be predictable or pleasant Those pigs were not asking to be stolen,some community members don't...
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 06:04 AM
I understand and agree with what you are saying. I also know that this tragic event didn't happen in isolation. There is a significant back story to it. Further to that and without knowing all...
Liked On: 15-12-2024, 01:59 PM
My take on this for what it's worth. And I'll be clear that my opinion can change as more info is made available. Ive watched the piece on this guy and his pigs from 2018 and its clear there has...
Liked On: 15-12-2024, 11:03 AM
A pretty grim reminder of what poaching can entail After coursing the community groups it seems he had recently been harassed by some mobsters known for poaching his animals and staunching him...
Liked On: 15-12-2024, 06:50 AM
Have too many speeding tickets when you try to renew your FAL ?
Liked On: 09-12-2024, 05:30 PM
A .22 bullet 'whizzing' would probably be deformed and ricocheted from a hard object (stone, fence post, water pipe etc.) and would have lost a fair bit of velocity but still have enough power to...
Liked On: 07-12-2024, 04:57 AM
Send a letter to Nichole?
Liked On: 30-11-2024, 04:38 PM
good work having the foresight to scan and save the article.....the cynic in me is thinking someone wants this buried while the review is still being worked on ..... which would suggest more bully...
Liked On: 30-11-2024, 06:57 AM
Yeah - drilling down a little further, the question becomes who is liable for errors and omissions with the register? It does seem a little bit counter-intuitive that a substantial change like...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 06:39 PM
This should work https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/south-island-officer-bought-firearms-under-fake-names-misused-police-systems-ipca-finds/YVLLAUCLXRA4JH6HK2ZSZJUSMU/ Worst bit is the Police...
Liked On: 29-11-2024, 02:11 PM