If you make his loads to the same coal as factory in the same pill, 2206H or 2208 will get you identical results. Biff the Winchester primers in the bin.
Liked On: 06-03-2025, 08:35 PM
So purchased a phone scope adaptor off WildBrad recently. It was a Swaro product for Swaro spotting scopes, called a VPA. Unfortunately it was for the more modern Swarovski spotting scopes. Mine...
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:54 AM
260948 flight between ak and wanganui looking east
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:53 AM
Young swollow watching me having lunch while waiting for his. 267765 267766
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:53 AM
Popped down the beach for a bit of fishing, and to check out the bioluminescence (which did not happen), and had the clouds part and the Atlas comet in clear view. Also caught some fish, which was a...
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:53 AM
Cham in the South Westland rain this week. 265342
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:51 AM
269190 269191 269192
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:49 AM
A few from North America269187 269188 269189
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:49 AM
Watched a hind and a yearling at 25m for 15 minutes. Had the wind in my face, she kept looking over at my but couldn't quite figure me out268163
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:49 AM
Some from the weekend. 268160 268161 268162
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:48 AM
Stag about 600m away 267988
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:48 AM
And some fallow from the Greenstone. 265853 265854 265855 265856
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:48 AM
A few chamois from the last couple of days. 265847 265848 265849 265850
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:47 AM
Especially as the powder was packed in 1978. I finished an earlier tin in 1986 and loaded some test loads of the 1978 powder which showed it shot higher than the older stuff. I dropped the load from...
Liked On: 13-02-2025, 01:02 PM
Greetings, As my handloading for the .308 approaches 50 years I thought it might be interesting to have a look at some of the data. First loads used AR2201 left over from my .303 loads and 180 grain...
Liked On: 13-02-2025, 01:02 PM