Number 2 son secured his first chamois this week. We were in the Marlborough high country for a few days and often spotted a chamois or two when out cleaning up a few goats. We made a basic plan and...
Liked On: 18-09-2022, 03:25 PM
Here’s one I passed up last week , awesome skin but didn’t look to have the age on him . 170706170706170706
Liked On: 22-06-2021, 09:47 PM
A thread to rival the stags. Here's one we got last weekend after the big weather bomb. Plenty of slips and damage in the high country 13 5/8" even 170084
Liked On: 12-06-2021, 11:04 PM
Hey fellas, Managed to revisit some old stomping grounds this year. Surprisingly deer were a bit tricky to find, but we managed to track down enough to keep things interesting. Some massive...
Liked On: 08-06-2021, 09:03 PM
Headed out this arvo and put a little net was glassy but I was fairly sure I would get a wet arse on pick up. ...
Liked On: 11-08-2019, 06:55 PM