Answers 1. Only you can answer that as its actually " good enough for YOUR purposes 2. See above 3. See above In my job I often see people spend an absolute fortune on the stuff that makes it...
Liked On: 26-09-2022, 01:59 PM
Black rifle loving dudes will get this: 206312 I'm not gonna lie, I was (still am) a snob for HK.
Liked On: 25-09-2022, 05:10 PM
There seems to be a trend these days with many new hunters who think they,re going to shoot deer at say 600 meters with their .308 or similar powered cartridge and subsequently mount some huge Hubble...
Liked On: 25-09-2022, 05:09 PM
Yes and no. I like things that work and are nice to use, although I put function over form. Synthetic stocks over wood. Short barrels over longer barrels etc. guess to some degree function is...
Liked On: 25-09-2022, 05:08 PM
Perhaps snobbery / superiority is valid when it comes to shotguns. When I was a youth I used to shoot with some men, one of whom had a high grade cased 'Greener' that we shared turn about between...
Liked On: 25-09-2022, 05:07 PM
Oh but the smug feeling of a budget rifle that shoots tiny groups
Liked On: 22-09-2022, 02:33 PM
Agreed. If I'm an extremely passionate golf player, who plays often, I'm going to buy the best set of clubs I can possibly afford. As I know this will most likely improve my game, but also the...
Liked On: 20-09-2022, 09:59 PM
My GP retired. no one bought his practice so it was amalgamated into a new "medical centre" who at the moment has lost all of their doctors... So no doctor on hand at all. It would be interesting if...
Liked On: 20-09-2022, 07:52 PM
What you described is not quite "snobbery". More like "uninformed". But one may say that insistence on shooting very long distances using under-powered scopes is also a form of snobbery :P A...
Liked On: 20-09-2022, 07:23 PM
Liked On: 19-09-2022, 09:27 PM
Sorry for offending you Muzza, do you have any idea what rifle it's from? Or are you just having a waaa Sent from my SM-A736B using Tapatalk
Liked On: 17-09-2022, 09:38 PM
I think the Norwegian Kvisteøks is what you are looking for. Bearded Axes look neat but unless you are hewing beams,the beard is pointless. A Kvisteøks literally (branch-axe) is for limbing a...
Liked On: 17-09-2022, 01:30 PM
I had an interesting discussion with my doctor regarding "suitability to hold licence" - and the practice had a check list that they filled out and totalled up the points, and I came up as high risk....
Liked On: 17-09-2022, 01:04 PM
And if they don’t do that what will happen? Cops take Drs practicing certificate away?
Liked On: 17-09-2022, 01:03 PM
Oh dear, another case of the police writing their own 'laws'?
Liked On: 17-09-2022, 01:03 PM