Left NPL bound for Whanganui on time. Made good time at the expense of an ice cream stop at the berry farm. Bummed.* Arrived 17h45, most of the boys already here, off loading quads, guns, and gear...
Liked On: 23-03-2025, 09:28 PM
Few Photos over the last year which will hopefully help. The photos with animals are some of the ones that have dropped on the spot (gives you an idea of what the bush is like that they were shot...
Liked On: 21-03-2025, 05:54 PM
Haha. How did you know. From Bungaree on east coast Stuart island https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20250209/b596901b7ce90b621b9628bfdbadac6a.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 10-02-2025, 12:51 PM
My answer to that question was along the lines. You want us to do your work and then pay for the privilege.
Liked On: 02-02-2025, 12:11 PM
New to all sorts of firearms as where I come from, they are illegal to even access. Currently just own an air rifle and shoot possum occasionally. Not eligible to obtain a firearms licence due to...
Liked On: 31-01-2025, 02:17 PM
Above 500m, assuming my GPS was accurate. Yep, hunts course is on the list of things to do. Hopefully I can tee up a few things in the new year when people are all back from the break.
Liked On: 16-12-2024, 08:51 AM
This is how my second solo hunt went. It was the second walk into the Kaimais in as many weeks. The first, largely unsuccessful due to incredibly thick bush cover and the fact that I’d omitted to...
Liked On: 06-12-2024, 05:08 PM
Hi Guys, our Black Friday deal is short and sweet. 25% off site wide including back orders. We have new stock of Meat processing gear arriving next week which includes the TC8 and TC12 mincers. This...
Liked On: 28-11-2024, 04:31 PM
Hi new here Blair Chamberlain from Waimate 25 years old. Mad keen about all things hunting, fishing and diving. Looks to be some great info and discussions on here look forward to being apart of...
Liked On: 06-11-2024, 03:00 PM
Back of my two safes could be used as a colander, been moved many times lol
Liked On: 24-10-2024, 02:14 PM
Following up on my previous post, had the interviews start of this week and everything seemed to go well. Interviewer said I should receive an approval email within the next 4-5 days, then the...
Liked On: 24-10-2024, 02:12 PM
Welcome Dan
Liked On: 15-10-2024, 03:12 PM
Welcome aboard.
Liked On: 15-10-2024, 03:12 PM
Welcome to the forum Dan
Liked On: 15-10-2024, 03:12 PM