Or half the people posting on the forum. Fact checking saves everyone time Sent from my SM-S916B using Tapatalk
Liked On: 10-06-2024, 08:50 PM
Well , I received an answer from FSA regarding this today. Brief, but an answer. Copied below. Hi, Thank you for your query. There is no provision for either of those rumours in the Act. A...
Liked On: 10-06-2024, 08:03 PM
Here is a vid of the shooting mentioned above. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs4fRCl57xk&t=2s
Liked On: 10-06-2024, 05:52 PM
Yep I’ve tried it, shot a couple bull tahr last week. I removed the end cap and a baffle to keep it shortish. I felt less recoil, can’t comment on sound. This is with a 7prc. Ears weren’t ringing or...
Liked On: 10-06-2024, 02:43 PM
Its only bullshit if true. So far its 3 pages of conjecture based on an "I heard". Woods223 is on to it. Go ask them.
Liked On: 09-06-2024, 10:26 PM
His circumnavigation of Stewart Island was pretty impressive too.
Liked On: 09-06-2024, 10:16 PM
Has anyone asked the FSA for a ruling so its in writing? Without that its all speculation.
Liked On: 09-06-2024, 09:35 AM
Nice symmetrical mid Canterbury 10 252154
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 07:33 PM
The classic response to that should be "Show me the rule"! What possible logic could there be that a Law Abiding Firearm Owner can own any number of firearms, providing always that they are properly...
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 06:29 PM
Trout repeat that exercise 10 or 20 times, combine all the targets and you have a 20 shot group. The main thrust of the podcast was that the larger the sample size the smaller the variability between...
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 11:21 AM
How to answer that ? Worth it $s or effort ! Well solving problem / improving things is the essence of being a human ( isn't it ) It would be a very sad world if we took what big business told...
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 10:47 AM
The K95 is not a front rest friendly rifle Fore end is a delight to carry and gorgeous But very fine and doesn't sit well on a bag or hasty field rest. This was my solution and it works well....
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 10:03 AM
Niggeloh also make the perfect sling for the K95 It has 3 bullet loops that are nice and deep for the sort of rounds that you want in a rifle like this. And it has a small domed pouch intended for...
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 09:48 AM
I am working on my Blaser k95 shooting, and have found i need to pull it in consistently, and hold fore end firmly, to shoot consistent groups, struggling with the 7x65 due to recoil, Have just...
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 07:27 AM
Tried a spark test on it? That should tell you what it is steel wise and all you need is a grinder. As far as the ding, tap it with a hammer on a block of wood and straighten it back out panel...
Liked On: 08-06-2024, 07:09 AM