The weka innovations suppressor covers are awesome. Easy to put on and off and stay in place well. I did the bike tube trick once and it was good but a prick to get on and off. Maybe I could have...
Liked On: 21-04-2020, 03:17 PM
Self-adhesive bandage / strapping / tape ( $9.50 a roll is all you need. They come in a choice...
Liked On: 21-04-2020, 02:29 PM
Neoprene scope covers off Ali express, bike tube or neoprene on suppressors, with a few wraps of para cord either end to secure.
Liked On: 21-04-2020, 02:29 PM
Further to the bike tube on the suppressor, Moa Hunter introduced me to the 3" wide section of car inner tube as a scope cover. I have a neoprene cover but I leave it at home now when I go hunting....
Liked On: 21-04-2020, 11:06 AM
For me it to stop the noise it makes when pushing through the scrub, it makes a very distinct and metallic "tink" everythin a twig touches it, quite loud and a dead giveaway to a close deer. I...
Liked On: 21-04-2020, 09:54 AM
I've tried a few scope covers over the year. Various flip up all ended the same way, ripped off in the scrub. A scope "bikini" only lasted one trip before it broke I now use a gunworks neoprene...
Liked On: 21-04-2020, 09:53 AM
Mountain bike inner tube cut to the length of a suppressor works awesome, fits tight, low profile, it handles high rate fire and most important in my case very quiet when stalking in close no ting...
Liked On: 21-04-2020, 09:53 AM
Hey all, I am still planning to go ahead and make a carbon fiber stock, but unfortunately I got stuck half way through moving house with COVID-19, so all my tools etc.. have been packed away....
Liked On: 20-04-2020, 11:59 AM
You've seen a non factory fluted barrel shit itself? Like a Gunworks one?
Liked On: 20-04-2020, 11:58 AM
Just finished this morning, Boomslang with Padauk wood onto red G10 liners, carbon pins and Lanyard tube. Very light and sharp, . Hope everyone is staying safe in their bubble ....Viper / Medusa...
Liked On: 20-04-2020, 10:54 AM
I've owned and own a few mostly Winchesters, Marlins and BLR. Scoped, red dots open sights. They are a world of fun, fire power and function in Imo. Great in the bush. Not the easiest to pull...
Liked On: 19-04-2020, 08:48 PM
Yesterdays beautiful caping knife has been decommissioned today to a cheese knife..time for a snack now:) 136923 Stay safe everyone!
Liked On: 19-04-2020, 03:29 PM
Lockdown has been a great opportunity to get onto some projects. Here is a Sako 75 .243 that I picked up cheap a few months back. The floor plate was worn with surface rust, the bolt looked like it...
Liked On: 19-04-2020, 03:04 PM
30-30 or 35 rem (sister loads) in marlin 336 or if you are a reloader pickup a used Sav 99 in 308 ($5-600 typ) and get a new barrel fitted ($800-1000) in 358 win and reload. Large deer & pigs load...
Liked On: 19-04-2020, 03:02 PM
ebf Yeah if you are just fluting the barrel it is not a huge difference in weight. But if you are lightening a few things like I will be doing e.g - carbon stock 130 - 200+ grams lighter depending...
Liked On: 19-04-2020, 08:50 AM