Southernlite 60L. Ive got one (down to 3 packs now). Craigc knows nothing. They are light and durable. Ive carried a couple of HQ and back straps a distance no trouble. I would recommend them for the...
Liked On: 24-02-2025, 07:27 PM
I have completed my submission. For those still working on theirs, I'd include something on the "Fit and proper status" regarding licence revocation. This needs to be clearly defined within the Act...
Liked On: 24-02-2025, 11:11 AM
Here's some of the brief bullet points I've thought about for the consultation. I have deliberately not written them out in full here and omitted some things/changed my language because you'll have...
Liked On: 24-02-2025, 07:54 AM
Makes greasing those A arm bushes REAL easy :thumbsup:
Liked On: 23-02-2025, 01:54 PM
Found some old photos of my Ruger MK2’s 269313 308 269314 Rem mag 269315 7x57 MK1
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 06:44 PM
Jaco doing very tidy work. When i first saw my new rifle i thought he forgot to thread it. 269319269320
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 06:43 PM
More slow progress, had to hand fit the recoil pad as the belt broke on the sander almost straight away. I could have waited till I got a new belt but spare time is limited! 269237
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 06:41 PM
The other night. Charity stuff. Even at just 90 yards away the dog is invaluable for finding the shot ones in the dark. It can be quite...
Liked On: 22-02-2025, 06:41 PM
First blood for the kimber with the 6cm barrel. Kaimanawa redstag @ 120ish meters and a young sika stag @ 320m. 268632 268633 The dog resting with his pack loaded with meat. 268634
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:20 PM
Time for the 6mm creedmoor barrel to go on... Tikka barrel in the lathe. 266054 Barrel chop from 24" to 18.75", crowned and m14x1 threading. 266055 I made a bushing to go between the...
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:18 PM
I recently purchased a second hand Kimber 84m with the intention of fitting my tikka 6 creedmoor barrel to fit it. Luckily because i bought 'as good' but it was a .308 16" barrel that was poked in...
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 09:17 PM
I would not worry about it to much - damn good eating - hinds in fawn generally fat and tender - old cockys always tell me a young heifer in calf especially jersey or a jersey angus cross damn good...
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 07:18 PM
Hi all, ZeroPak has always offered some form of discounted pricing to forum members, whether it is advertised or not. So in order to make this a little more user friendly I have set up a discount...
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 08:02 AM
I am fortunate enough to have a farm behind me and approached the farmer about shooting the deer I have seen. He wants them gone because of the damage to his fences. Originally, I had seen 9 in a mob...
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 07:08 AM
80 Targex exit, 100 yards. Licked clean by Bella. 269177
Liked On: 20-02-2025, 07:06 AM