I've got a Ziess HD5 3-15 coming, supposedly under 500gms/18oz. I'm also getting a Nielson sonic 35 as that should save a useful amount over the DPT. My stock is walnut and currently 960gms, it...
Liked On: 06-03-2025, 06:01 PM
As pictured its 3.2kg with the Maven. Not super light but a nice functional weight. Have another scope to try hopefully after I hunt with it next week that will save a little. More. All my kimbers...
Liked On: 06-03-2025, 06:00 PM
So I recently setup a new 223 now I've run the Tikka a year and am happy to hunt with it almost exclusively. The new rifle is as follows: A Modified Stainless Howa Mini action with a take off...
Liked On: 06-03-2025, 12:08 PM
No Tigers last night ( or deer ) but a joy to be out there with it. Quite nice in hand and on the shoulder But a lot heavier than I'm used to 270042
Liked On: 06-03-2025, 12:06 PM
Refitting the case is finished and the Greener looks pretty comfortable in there 270003 270004 270005
Liked On: 05-03-2025, 10:30 PM
Wet again this morning so I loaded 5 rounds with the heavier 130 grain BP charge Left to right 222 Rimmed 7x57 Rimmed 5 rounds 577-500 #2 Express 500 3" BPE 50-70 US Govt
Liked On: 05-03-2025, 01:43 PM
It's a wet day so I will thrash on the Greener today The case I got for it is from an unknown 30" barreled SxS shotgun It is outwardly in good condition and has a lot of character 269903 ...
Liked On: 04-03-2025, 11:42 AM
Couple years ago one morning trying to get dressed quietly in the dark with my cellphone light rolling round on the floor struggling and muttering to myself about the wife shrinking my merino...
Liked On: 04-03-2025, 12:13 AM
Shorts bro add some man tights if it gets super chilly
Liked On: 03-03-2025, 07:14 PM
https://www.deltamike.co.nz/product/hornady-30-06-sprg-125gr-sst-custom-lite-ammunition-box-of-20/ And as posted to be on the safe side basic sight in and practice and leave the shooting for the...
Liked On: 03-03-2025, 07:11 PM
What about a young lady... cause that's what I am ! That's why I was a bit concerned Re: recoil I insisted on paying for it, but he said how about I lend it to you and just forget to ever get it...
Liked On: 03-03-2025, 07:09 PM
So before you ask. Recoil is as you would expect from a rifle just below 10 pounds But actually less than intimidated with the 450 grainers. 269874 Bullet was clear of muzzle before the...
Liked On: 03-03-2025, 07:06 PM
So who has a tiger problem ? I now have the solution for you Sadly they are shot out in my current location Happy to travel to the other island Greener 577-500 #2 hammer double rifle ...
Liked On: 03-03-2025, 07:05 PM
I've had my Frewza F18 now for about 2 years, couldn't be more happy. Great stability, amazing fuel economy and more than enough space for diving gear, camping gear ect. 269879
Liked On: 03-03-2025, 07:03 PM
269862 Twin needle system -I've modified the harness for my likes. On the belt from top to battom in the photo Epirb pouch Bottle holder main pouch with loops installed to hold my jacket -...
Liked On: 03-03-2025, 07:01 PM