It is a horrible death to any four legged animal and they all behave the same when poisoned. Goats are not susceptible to the degree that deer are and remain in numbers after poison drops. To poison...
Liked On: 13-11-2017, 08:46 PM
It is a horrible death to any four legged animal and they all behave the same when poisoned. Goats are not susceptible to the degree that deer are and remain in numbers after poison drops. To poison...
Liked On: 13-11-2017, 08:11 PM
77423 1 pound of bait and two eggs,pepper and salt.mix well and spoon into hot pan,butter gives them a better taste than oil.
Liked On: 01-11-2017, 07:17 PM
77423 1 pound of bait and two eggs,pepper and salt.mix well and spoon into hot pan,butter gives them a better taste than oil.
Liked On: 01-11-2017, 07:54 AM
77423 1 pound of bait and two eggs,pepper and salt.mix well and spoon into hot pan,butter gives them a better taste than oil.
Liked On: 01-11-2017, 06:48 AM
77423 1 pound of bait and two eggs,pepper and salt.mix well and spoon into hot pan,butter gives them a better taste than oil.
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 07:51 PM
77423 1 pound of bait and two eggs,pepper and salt.mix well and spoon into hot pan,butter gives them a better taste than oil.
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 06:40 PM
77423 1 pound of bait and two eggs,pepper and salt.mix well and spoon into hot pan,butter gives them a better taste than oil.
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 04:52 PM
77423 1 pound of bait and two eggs,pepper and salt.mix well and spoon into hot pan,butter gives them a better taste than oil.
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 09:28 AM
77423 1 pound of bait and two eggs,pepper and salt.mix well and spoon into hot pan,butter gives them a better taste than oil.
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 07:46 AM
Lets hope your meat safe never gets to be 1080'd. Cant be DOC land surely?
Liked On: 07-10-2017, 05:05 PM
Just a couple of oldies.
Liked On: 14-08-2017, 07:32 AM
Just a couple of oldies.
Liked On: 07-08-2017, 10:10 PM
Just a couple of oldies.
Liked On: 05-08-2017, 09:16 PM
DOC are destructive also,we don't want them breeding eh.
Liked On: 15-07-2017, 11:04 AM