Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I ended up taking her into Totara Flats in the Tararuas. She's not all that stoked coz we walked in last night and I shot a deer this morning so had to walk out...
Liked On: 21-12-2015, 07:37 PM
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I ended up taking her into Totara Flats in the Tararuas. She's not all that stoked coz we walked in last night and I shot a deer this morning so had to walk out...
Liked On: 21-12-2015, 07:25 PM
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I ended up taking her into Totara Flats in the Tararuas. She's not all that stoked coz we walked in last night and I shot a deer this morning so had to walk out...
Liked On: 21-12-2015, 07:04 PM
So the Mrs and I are heading bush next week. We will leave Auckland on Monday morning and need to be in Masterton by Mid afternoon on Thursday. We are set up for fly camping and happy for a...
Liked On: 18-12-2015, 10:40 PM
Sweet - I'll be there by 5:30. I'll be the six foot, 110kg, patchy bearded 27yr old chatting up the beer wench. Actually I'll probably be sitting in the corner watching cricket (provided it's not...
Liked On: 09-12-2015, 07:09 PM
What time is everyone planning on making this happen? I have a spearfishing club meeting starting at 7 - Would be impressive if I can turn up to that drunk. Might catch the Devonport ferry over after...
Liked On: 09-12-2015, 06:30 PM