tiroatedson, I apologise. I quoted you however did not mean to suggest you specifically would call me names, I was referring to some of the more vocal name-callers and angry posters. Sent from my...
Liked On: 15-05-2019, 11:08 AM
I don't particularly want to get drawn in to a protracted debate but I am interested in where the assertions that "they" are coming for all firearms has arisen. There has been no mention that I'm...
Liked On: 15-05-2019, 11:07 AM
I don't particularly want to get drawn in to a protracted debate but I am interested in where the assertions that "they" are coming for all firearms has arisen. There has been no mention that I'm...
Liked On: 15-05-2019, 10:28 AM
I don't particularly want to get drawn in to a protracted debate but I am interested in where the assertions that "they" are coming for all firearms has arisen. There has been no mention that I'm...
Liked On: 15-05-2019, 09:28 AM
I don't particularly want to get drawn in to a protracted debate but I am interested in where the assertions that "they" are coming for all firearms has arisen. There has been no mention that I'm...
Liked On: 15-05-2019, 09:17 AM
Perhaps we could create a section where everyone who wants to rant, vent, piss, whinge or feed the trolls can post their crap? I've really enjoyed being part of this community over the last few...
Liked On: 14-05-2019, 02:09 PM
I couldn't hit a rabbit at 60m with a rest! To be fair I couldn't hit the side of a barn, from the inside.
Liked On: 10-05-2019, 12:35 PM
I couldn't hit a rabbit at 60m with a rest! To be fair I couldn't hit the side of a barn, from the inside.
Liked On: 10-05-2019, 12:06 PM
I actually went fishing yesterday (I never go fishing)... Caught about 78 snapper between 25 and 34cm which went back (boat min of 35). Ended the day with 10 snapper between 35-40cm, four big...
Liked On: 07-05-2019, 11:21 PM
I actually went fishing yesterday (I never go fishing)... Caught about 78 snapper between 25 and 34cm which went back (boat min of 35). Ended the day with 10 snapper between 35-40cm, four big...
Liked On: 07-05-2019, 10:57 PM
I actually went fishing yesterday (I never go fishing)... Caught about 78 snapper between 25 and 34cm which went back (boat min of 35). Ended the day with 10 snapper between 35-40cm, four big...
Liked On: 07-05-2019, 12:43 AM
Got your 20 what? Anchors?
Liked On: 06-05-2019, 04:05 PM
I couldn't hit a rabbit at 60m with a rest! To be fair I couldn't hit the side of a barn, from the inside.
Liked On: 01-05-2019, 09:23 PM
Correct Rushy. And spelling is spot on (which is unusual, most people online still manage to butcher a 3 letter word) Aaand.... An invite would be nice next time Nick-D :P
Liked On: 01-05-2019, 04:19 PM
Nick-D is on to it... FWIW I wear: polyprop or merino thermal leggings and top. https://www.macpac.co.nz/mens/base-layers/geothermals/macpac-geothermal-long-johns---unisex/113634.html Air mesh...
Liked On: 01-05-2019, 02:58 PM