About doubleRB

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Date of Birth
June 17, 1947 (77)
About doubleRB
caregiver for my wife, dont get out much


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  1. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by Danger Mouse On thread : Shooting: The sport all of us enjoy - do your part in preserving the ability to do so
    Senidng to all of the comittee bar nz first, and also sending to paula bennett: This is a response to the select committees final report on this subject, from a firearms license holder, a military...
    Liked On: 07-04-2017, 09:29 PM
  2. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by lefty1 On thread : Getting old
    Hi , All I live in Wanganui and turn 90 in april , i have been doing gun work since I turned 16 (it was a slug gun ) in the time since then i have learned a lot and and can do anything gun wise (...
    Liked On: 27-03-2017, 12:59 PM
  3. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by 10-Ring On thread : Optics planet order cancelled
    That's never going to happen with some. Not all are greedy though as many are just trying to make a reasonable margin for the time and effort they put into it. The buying power of local importers is...
    Liked On: 25-03-2017, 08:56 PM
  4. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by stewart.h On thread : A question for NZDA members
    Everybody's entitled to their opinion. Saddening from NZDA's perspective to see some of the sentiments held, and expressed. Not surprising though. Here's my two cents worth. I trust we may agree...
    Liked On: 23-03-2017, 10:49 PM
  5. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by bully On thread : Long-range hunting: is it sporting?
    After the airport today, it's probably best to tranculize it, And just get fish and chips. Everyone else has said the rest, anything more than sharp finger nails is just plain unfair. Much like...
    Liked On: 21-03-2017, 07:57 PM
  6. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by Gibo On thread : Deer Rifle 270 or 25-06
    Oh all right then. Neither :) get a 308 :D
    Liked On: 20-03-2017, 10:17 PM
  7. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by Pointer On thread : Deer Rifle 270 or 25-06
    Most centrefires that shoot a bullet weighing at least 100 grains and of a diameter of 6mm (.243) will take deer at 250m reliably. Between the two you mentinoned? Its paper rock scissors. I'd go...
    Liked On: 20-03-2017, 10:14 PM
  8. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by Solo On thread : Kiwi Gun Blog
    As a mouthpiece for responsible gun owners, I feel it stumbles whenever it strays into lazy right-wing attitudes. Just now I'm reading an article where it calls NZ schools "socialist indoctrination...
    Liked On: 16-03-2017, 05:13 PM
  9. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by kotuku On thread : Gun confiscated as Marlborough farmers battle quake trauma
    there is an unfortunate irony here -the majority of suicides are by overdose of prescribed medication or as mentioned hanging. working here in westcoast mental health im seeing screeds of it...
    Liked On: 24-02-2017, 10:46 AM
  10. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by Tommy On thread : Dinner thread?
    It's a really clever system. Bradley (spell?) smoker. A supplier gave it to us, so boss decided we should shake-down test it a few times before he chucks it on his catamaran. It auto feeds these wood...
    Liked On: 23-11-2016, 03:20 PM
  11. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by Mooseman On thread : Meat for the freezer
    With our Son (Deereman) and families visit from Canada closing in fast I needed to refill the freezer. Last weekend I managed to get a crack at a nice hind at 387 yards with my Tikka 300 Win Mag and...
    Liked On: 07-11-2016, 11:14 AM
  12. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by oraki On thread : NZDA worth joining.
    Is NZDA worth joining? Hell yes. If it wasn't for these fellas giving up their time to teach my boy how to hunt through the HUNTS course, we would not have achieved what we have. All I knew about...
    Liked On: 07-11-2016, 09:15 AM
  13. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by TimeRider On thread : Toby Memorial - Where, what, why
    First off, thanks everybody who worked behind the scenes :thumbsup: Second, thanks Mel and Brads for allowing so many new people onto your property – its lovely! Third, everyone who pitched in...
    Liked On: 21-10-2016, 01:40 PM
  14. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by rs200nz On thread : Public Hunting Block up by Mangawhai
    Ended up going out on Saturday. Turns out the hill track was useless. No visibility at all. Very dense all the way through there. We walked about 600m off the track and still very hard to see any...
    Liked On: 20-10-2016, 05:22 AM
  15. doubleRB
    doubleRB liked post by Pengy On thread : Toby Memorial - Where, what, why
    Current NZHS membership is around 6000, and by the look and sound of things, you may end up with at least half of them on the farm next year BRADS. Rushy gonna need a bigger barby :thumbsup: Bring...
    Liked On: 17-10-2016, 02:33 PM
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