So the magnum one has been tested and be ready to go out the door next week. Will suit upto 300win mag 315grams, 105mm muzzle forward, 150mm over barrel. $365 DPT
Liked On: 17-10-2013, 08:46 PM
Hi all, Just finishing off testing on the centerfire modular magnum suppressor, if all goes well it should be ready for sale in two weeks. Specs 345grams in weight 130mm forward of the...
Liked On: 28-08-2013, 07:17 PM
Hi, Have had a couple of guys pull out today so I still have two over barrels available if anyone is interested. Top one in picture is over barrel, bottom one is can. the weight of the over...
Liked On: 07-05-2013, 11:08 PM
7919 Its the top one in the picture, the mini can is the one at the bottom, the sound reduction of the two are the same. DPT
Liked On: 16-03-2013, 04:28 PM
Hi All, I have two ranges of Modular suppressors, Rimfire and Centerfire, the rimfire is 30.8mm diameter, the centerfire is 44.5mm diameter. currently the centerfire only comes in 22 and 30cal, my...
Liked On: 23-01-2013, 05:53 PM
Some people just dont shop around. There was a second hand suppressor of mine on trademe last week and it sold for more than I sell them new. A few auctions down the page and there was a brand new...
Liked On: 13-01-2013, 09:41 PM