Ha ha. Got over buck fever but as I get older the shakes are there regardless- bugger this getting old shit!
Liked On: 22-08-2022, 12:12 PM
Memories! In 1962 and still a boy I shot my first deer unsupervised in the creek in the next valley north from the original hut. Worst case of buck fever ever, shaking like a leaf I emptied my 10...
Liked On: 22-08-2022, 12:11 PM
Good stuff. I had a similar thing a few years back when I shot a couple of stags in that area. My wife and I made one trip out with all the meat and one head and I dragged a friend back the next day...
Liked On: 22-08-2022, 12:10 PM
Bought a new Kimber Hunter in 257Roberts for a bargain. The caliber has always fascinated me. Randomly loaded up some 110 ELDX with 47 grns R19. SAAMI spec length. Velocity should be circa 2900. ...
Liked On: 22-08-2022, 11:33 AM
Tidy little CZ455 American .22LR I picked up for our daughter in law. S & B fixed 6x I got from here. I had it shortened to 18” and suppressed. 203956 203957 B
Liked On: 22-08-2022, 11:29 AM
Little 3-9x36 Diavari on my Kimber (thanks chainsaw ) was going to run it on my Forbes but couldn't resist trying it out on the Kimber and I like it, handles and points beautifully. Could possibly...
Liked On: 22-08-2022, 11:27 AM
They all look like Tikka's to me . .. .
Liked On: 21-08-2022, 09:35 AM
found these pics from a few years ago 166074 166075
Liked On: 20-08-2022, 07:35 PM
just stir the plurry stuff and spread on your toast.....
Liked On: 19-08-2022, 08:41 PM
Im like a broken record, but If you arnt a giant of a man kimber montanas are great
Liked On: 19-08-2022, 11:54 AM
Drove out to Norsewood today to see this big ugly head. 203482
Liked On: 18-08-2022, 04:45 PM
Tell us about your fluke shots. The ones where you took a potshot at something moving too fast or from too far away and dropped it, to the astonishment of all and sundry, not least, you. The only...
Liked On: 17-08-2022, 08:01 PM
Back into the stock work after a period away doing pay-the-bills work. Pretty nice huh? 203799
Liked On: 17-08-2022, 11:27 AM
Just use your phone, tricky bit is transfering to computer, heaps of ways find the easiest. 203485
Liked On: 17-08-2022, 11:16 AM
Vixen3-12x40 is 360g or12.6986 ounces
Liked On: 17-08-2022, 12:49 AM