If you are a Luddite....:D
Liked On: 07-02-2023, 05:06 PM
Depending on range 7.62x39 could be an option too...WMR would not be my choice on goats - and if you need rapid follow up shots then lever action like a BLR could be the go too. (dearer though) ...
Liked On: 06-02-2023, 08:16 PM
Couple of new toys. Santa Barbara mauser in 7x57 and a Husky 640 in 9.3x62 215999 216000
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 09:02 AM
Followed me round spraying for a few hours this arvo, helped round up some naughty calves that went bush, got distracted and started tracking deer trails, jumped in every water trough we came across...
Liked On: 04-02-2023, 09:06 PM
I wonder if the cab tilting forwards isnt pulling on a wire or something? Trace the wire from the 4X4 switch through the fuseboard and down to what actuates 4x4 on the trans is where I would...
Liked On: 04-02-2023, 07:25 AM
Cripes, thats as good as it gets. Very nice.
Liked On: 03-02-2023, 03:59 PM
There was a great episode on that NZ housing programme of that couple from auckland who built a home at Mangawahi with wood reclaimed from the old Welligton wharf. Awesome timber.
Liked On: 01-02-2023, 08:59 PM
said same govt COULD also make sure the forestry being used for carbon credits was either native to stat there forever or exotic planted in such a place or such a way it would be rotationally...
Liked On: 01-02-2023, 05:47 PM
Pretty much agree. Except for the Carbon clown bit. From what I have seen these people had the foresight to see an opportunity and have or will do very well out of it. Good on them! They started...
Liked On: 01-02-2023, 08:18 AM
Here's Lucky hard at work this morning - taking a rest under the tree outside back door.. Good to see in posts above so many hardened hunters quite at peace with wild bunnies living round the...
Liked On: 30-01-2023, 10:28 PM
Ruger Hawkeye M77 stainless, left hand, in .375 Ruger. Rebarreled with Shilen 1:12, 22 inch ( maybe 23 inch ), fluted, stainless barrel, restocked with Pendleton stock with Decelerator recoil pad...
Liked On: 28-01-2023, 01:19 AM
682 GOLD E in skeet form. Fixed chokes (sk:sk), 28" barrels. 215425
Liked On: 28-01-2023, 01:18 AM
as the leper said to the hooker "keep the tip"
Liked On: 26-01-2023, 08:15 PM
Nope, I can't help... But I can loan you my manual Lyman Accutrimmer, I think I have the 6.5mm pilot and I assume you have the correct sized shellholder?
Liked On: 25-01-2023, 08:03 PM
Good to see you didn’t deface our logo! Showing promise. Enough to go hunting I reckon.
Liked On: 25-01-2023, 07:17 PM