Biggest so far. And get this, its a fat arse breeder female. :o 67088
Liked On: 14-04-2017, 09:33 AM
longest shot this evening 380yds . . . 66892 the VarTarg will be having some down time when a heavy barrel 204 arrives in the next few days . . . it'll be interestiing to see the performance...
Liked On: 10-04-2017, 10:12 PM
The boat got blooded today I caught a 30cm pannie my other half got the other 4 and a I got a small eagle ray which got sent packing with a souvenir best fish of the day went to my partner Joyce...
Liked On: 09-04-2017, 10:42 PM
Firstly Timeout re TNZ recording program: It doesn't take long to set up but I had trouble imputing the trap locations using GPS co-ordinates, for some reason it thought I was in the North Island, so...
Liked On: 06-04-2017, 10:03 PM
Sure was. Just the back legs will easily feed 4 of us. Still got the back steaks in the fridge. 66481
Liked On: 02-04-2017, 10:21 PM
Set 2 traps today 66492
Liked On: 02-04-2017, 10:11 PM
Got the big tom:thumbsup: 66448
Liked On: 01-04-2017, 11:04 PM
Spotted a hare:ORLY: 66306 Got the bugger:D 66307 Head shot;) 66308
Liked On: 30-03-2017, 09:59 PM
Nice work mehtat My special log is working again - a big buck came back for the funeral of the last one and brought a big rat with him - maybe he is cleaning up the blue stuff before he eats his...
Liked On: 29-03-2017, 08:43 PM
Hello, Newbie here but got these few last week on a quick walk around a mates paddock
Liked On: 29-03-2017, 08:42 PM
66005 These two flushed a rat and the hairy one got it. Good Dog!
Liked On: 28-03-2017, 09:33 PM
Went for a walk in the rain around the wetland today, 4 rats and 4 mice. That added up to 12 rats, 9 mice and 1 possum for the week. Seems like the smoked fish wing bones were good bait in the...
Liked On: 26-03-2017, 06:28 PM
66002 He spent the last 12 months teaching his apprentice and has done a good job. He wandered around to say goodbye to Mack then came and saw me flopped on his bed went to sleep and didn't wake...
Liked On: 25-03-2017, 09:43 PM
Seems like this blue stuff is irresistible - this trap up the Park has been dormant for the last couple of months with just apple - but it used to be highly productive on the edge of a gully My...
Liked On: 23-03-2017, 09:19 PM
Bit of a hike today a few hits but only landed one. 65831658326583365834
Liked On: 21-03-2017, 09:25 PM