I haven’t bothered to modify them FatLabrador although a trapper friend lifts them a few mm I reckon Victor operates in a world market and their traps work well on a wide range of small animals I...
Liked On: 27-02-2017, 11:03 AM
FatLabrador - silly bunny worked well as bait - he ate the lot Looked small in the back of the Havaheart cage - but he was a big Tom - all the recent ones are straight grey colour - like their Mum ...
Liked On: 26-02-2017, 09:25 PM
Because I know we all (well almost all) like to pimp our stuff, I thought I would start this thread. Before picture is a Remington SPS varmint in 223, barrel shortened to 20" as I bought it. 64384...
Liked On: 25-02-2017, 11:24 PM
At the farm yesterday morning without a real rifle - looked out the window first thing and see a rabbit about 20m down the drive - got out the Cooey and gave him a fright - but he buggared off - so...
Liked On: 24-02-2017, 10:06 PM
Swamp Comp Prize :thumbs: Dundee - great you can now see in the dark with your lantern - I got a Roman one man bivy tent from the Swamp Comp - but I don’t plan on sleeping out by myself so it may...
Liked On: 19-02-2017, 09:47 PM
Yeah he was a fat little bugger, in pristine condition. Didn't look so good after copping a 40gr Fiocchi sub between the eyes at 30 mtrs though:thumbsup: Was a good hunt, been after this little...
Liked On: 19-02-2017, 01:40 PM
Ok, mainly Falcon 35,#2. A couple of the fellas had 3' , but we were only using 2 3/4. If you're on target, they drop and if you're not they don't. Started off stacking them with a few 3 inch for the...
Liked On: 18-02-2017, 11:19 PM
Geese and parries were Avian x. The mallards Flambeau. Something to keep you keen 64103 Majority of farms have these irrigation storage ponds, and probably 1 in 3 carry as many if not more birds...
Liked On: 18-02-2017, 11:06 PM
The pond needed another maimai to cover the end of it so after a few beers my mate Ian and I hatched a plan. Materials were sourced from various locations and a new maimai was built. The only thing...
Liked On: 18-02-2017, 09:28 PM
Nice cloudy morning for a walk in the Park Silly buggar - I got his mate on that tree a few days ago http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t427/ourlifeinabucket/Stuff/IMG_2369%202.jpg...
Liked On: 14-02-2017, 09:06 PM
Meh don't get me started - it was an embarrassment. A teenage girl weighed in 100 on her own.... I got 24 - for 6hrs diving. Combined total for the boat (4 divers) was only 39. We lost a lot of...
Liked On: 13-02-2017, 09:02 PM
That is one ugly bugger. Nice trout though. Ha ha ha ha
Liked On: 12-02-2017, 02:13 PM
Here is the white hare i shot,some of you new members may not of seen it.63672
Liked On: 11-02-2017, 10:42 PM
Stoats live on the ground I have never had much luck on mustilids FatLabrador despite operating a DOC250 continuously for a couple of years at the farm and five of them continuously for a couple of...
Liked On: 09-02-2017, 09:31 PM
Trying to get back into my community work at the Quarry Park - nice quiet walk through the pines this morning to check ten sentinels and about fifteen snap traps Three rats and one possum after a...
Liked On: 09-02-2017, 06:17 PM