Bought the Lyman easy prime need to return won’t seat primers deep enough a shame because it looked good and solid
Liked On: 26-11-2024, 06:19 PM
I thought I share a few pics from last 18 months or so with a description of distance, bullet type, calibre and point of impact. Because my experience is different and my hunting style ids also...
Liked On: 26-11-2024, 04:00 PM
Been losing quite a few flies lately so thought I better whip some up to replenish the box. 263641 263642 263643
Liked On: 24-11-2024, 06:37 PM
Today was the day I took the Lupo to the range to see what it could. I used 3 rounds to get the scope roughly sighted in, then ran a couple of wet patches through the bore, wiped it out and fired a...
Liked On: 21-11-2024, 06:51 AM
After gaining some local Intel I took the Ute up into the Kopuwai. Parking up after a long off-road drive I had a bit of a glass and then made a plan. I was going to drop into the valley cross the...
Liked On: 20-11-2024, 03:33 PM
i haven't been out as much as id like since becoming a trophy husband so i sorted a day out . farked around for half a day till on the way out i heard some crunching and munching wasn't hopeful of...
Liked On: 16-11-2024, 01:20 PM
My old man has attempted to get himself a good bull many times, he's even managed to succeed on two occasions only to be thwarted by terrain or weather on the recovery. He's just ticked over to 70...
Liked On: 16-11-2024, 01:19 PM
Great yarn. My son has the same rifle with a modern stainless T3 barrel. Lovely rifle. Two great eaters, fallow seem to be everywhere now. My .284 Tikka has been stuck in the safe for a while, I...
Liked On: 15-11-2024, 12:36 PM
Final shaping of the forend and then it was time for carbon. I decided to go with a schnabel on the forend, I felt it was fitting with the style I was trying to achieve 251283 251284
Liked On: 14-11-2024, 07:01 PM
With great anticipation my mate Reuben and I shouldered our packs for the long grind up the Apiti track for three nights away. With trusty dog Finn in tow complete with his own pack, off we went into...
Liked On: 14-11-2024, 03:17 PM
Man what a neat rifle that is. Great yarn
Liked On: 14-11-2024, 03:15 PM
Funnily enough I've got one also on a 243. Optically I can't fault it. Red deer seem to "glow" any time of day but it was a right bugger to get zeroed
Liked On: 11-11-2024, 05:14 PM
Ha ..... sounds like my experience. Shot my first deer with an open-sighted .303, and then bought a Tikka M55 in .308 in 1978. Between first and second deer was 19 hunts, from memory ....did manage...
Liked On: 11-11-2024, 05:14 PM
I got a bit confused when I read Tararuas and then saw a fallow, but those buggers are popping up everywhere nowadays. Nice work! especially with a lone-er rifle. You just never quite know what the...
Liked On: 10-11-2024, 01:38 PM
It is almost impossible to not like/love a Tikka. I have a Tikka M65 with a heavy target barrel, or what some would call a varmint barrel on some rifles, in 6.5x55 and it is a very good rifle that...
Liked On: 10-11-2024, 08:14 AM