No monster but he was a fat sucker almost 3cm in places. Fallow shot last weekend
Liked On: 05-04-2021, 02:03 PM
No monster but he was a fat sucker almost 3cm in places. Fallow shot last weekend
Liked On: 05-04-2021, 01:20 PM
No monster but he was a fat sucker almost 3cm in places. Fallow shot last weekend
Liked On: 05-04-2021, 01:15 PM
No monster but he was a fat sucker almost 3cm in places. Fallow shot last weekend
Liked On: 05-04-2021, 01:06 PM
If you are like me and work a lot with your hands I’ve found the lee bench primer to be bloody good on the hands. Have to remove the O ring to get it working a treat but bloody hell it’s so much...
Liked On: 01-04-2021, 11:45 AM
Allan put mine on and that’s the advice he gave me - and my comment above
Liked On: 15-03-2021, 07:56 AM
Stags are in lock down this year. I’ll be in the southern tararuas, last year after lock down was over and back into level three I was working remotely and heard the odd moan and that was really...
Liked On: 12-03-2021, 08:06 AM
I have an old Aldis scope that I would some day love to put on a original rifle. To shoot an animal with that would certainly top it off. Though I was warned by another member that perhaps the...
Liked On: 11-03-2021, 09:19 PM
I have an old Aldis scope that I would some day love to put on a original rifle. To shoot an animal with that would certainly top it off. Though I was warned by another member that perhaps the...
Liked On: 11-03-2021, 04:11 PM
Yeah not keen at all on casting. Currently getting my projectiles from rusa which I’ve found to be the best prices in Nz. But ultimately if i can find someone locally who casts and can bring my...
Liked On: 09-03-2021, 05:18 PM
On a side note, Mick Dundee’s knife phase is often miss quoted... “That’s not a knife... That’s a knife.”
Liked On: 04-03-2021, 01:26 PM
Square deal? My old thrower was square, this newer ones are round. But just in general the disk throwers are inconsistent IMO. Is there any other kind of thrower I could put onto the load master?
Liked On: 25-02-2021, 07:41 PM
River city entries are live people. I was 40 something overall and 18th to sign up to production. Bring on the first level 3 of the year and my first time at RCO.
Liked On: 23-02-2021, 07:22 PM
River city entries are live people. I was 40 something overall and 18th to sign up to production. Bring on the first level 3 of the year and my first time at RCO.
Liked On: 23-02-2021, 02:02 PM
I’m running TTSX 130s in my 308. Was the most accurate load through my tikka. 47gr of 2208 pushing them around the 2950fps mark.
Liked On: 10-02-2021, 07:37 PM