You are not at all correct there. Anything that slows the forward release of gas will act as a brake. By having a suppressor with substantially greater volume than the barrel will greatly reduce the...
Liked On: 26-09-2017, 10:12 AM
Suitable for a magnum? Damn it. I only bought the rifle for shits and giggles because it was cheap, but man I love shooting the 7mm RM. It would likely be with brake on or suppressor on since I'm...
Liked On: 25-09-2017, 09:27 PM
You can make all the passes you like on that nurse. We wont get in the way.
Liked On: 25-09-2017, 07:08 PM
I flicked off a total of 5 shots last year. Most of those were misses. Nobody laughed more at me than me. I'd never shot a target beyond 100m before the trip. Hell I'm looking forward to the return...
Liked On: 25-09-2017, 07:06 PM
I flicked off a total of 5 shots last year. Most of those were misses. Nobody laughed more at me than me. I'd never shot a target beyond 100m before the trip. Hell I'm looking forward to the return...
Liked On: 25-09-2017, 06:51 PM
The non Christmas variety work better, they're designed for more frequent and heavier use. A cigar cutter could come in handy too. That really sucks Dreamer.
Liked On: 24-09-2017, 09:14 AM
Took it to the range to test it out today. Bore sighted at 25m and pretty much bang on with the first shot. Then went out to 100m took aim at the bottom dot and wound the crosshairs onto the hole,...
Liked On: 24-09-2017, 12:26 AM
Took it to the range to test it out today. Bore sighted at 25m and pretty much bang on with the first shot. Then went out to 100m took aim at the bottom dot and wound the crosshairs onto the hole,...
Liked On: 23-09-2017, 07:21 PM
Took it to the range to test it out today. Bore sighted at 25m and pretty much bang on with the first shot. Then went out to 100m took aim at the bottom dot and wound the crosshairs onto the hole,...
Liked On: 23-09-2017, 06:07 PM
The non Christmas variety work better, they're designed for more frequent and heavier use. A cigar cutter could come in handy too. That really sucks Dreamer.
Liked On: 23-09-2017, 01:34 PM
I bought a cheap second hand Zastava 223 for under $500 scoped. Great fun and accurate. Highly recommend finding something like this, cheap to buy, cheap to feed, so you use it more and get more...
Liked On: 22-09-2017, 02:00 PM
Does the photo need to be of the gear out of it's packaging? :D
Liked On: 21-09-2017, 11:48 PM
I bought a cheap second hand Zastava 223 for under $500 scoped. Great fun and accurate. Highly recommend finding something like this, cheap to buy, cheap to feed, so you use it more and get more...
Liked On: 21-09-2017, 07:37 PM
Again! Pretty much guaranteed.
Liked On: 21-09-2017, 11:01 AM
The members of this forum should not be having trouble shooting stuff! :D
Liked On: 21-09-2017, 09:46 AM