Geez my 6.5 was developed in 1891 and if it do it right I can still hit shit with it at one thousand yards Must be wheel reinvention time again.
Liked On: 29-10-2017, 11:17 PM
jakewire we can have a chat in a couple of weeks time. I’ve got 500,300,200,150,100mm gongs and can probably get them down there easy enough.
Liked On: 29-10-2017, 08:21 PM
It was the 2k challange as it was on Tobys bucket list. We got him out to 1500, buy the time I tracked down the gear to get further it was to late. jakewire here is a list of of what we had this...
Liked On: 29-10-2017, 08:21 PM
Went for a dive the other day and got a decent feed. Took an octopus which I don't normally do, but damn are they good to eat. I'd rate them above any fish you can name and scallops, but not above...
Liked On: 28-10-2017, 04:36 PM
Like this? Sent from my SM-A320Y using Tapatalk
Liked On: 28-10-2017, 04:32 PM
Feed of Terakihi this morn 76940 76941
Liked On: 28-10-2017, 04:28 PM
No, It`s simple, I was going to post a barrel for sale on the trade site, but all I get is crap from google, fix this fix that and great walks from doc, AAAAhhh. :yuush: PS, All is ok, I hit the key...
Liked On: 28-10-2017, 04:04 PM
Neck shot last night with my 300saum. 254 yards. It didn't flinch. Ouch. Dog had winded it from down the gully so I cut around to the top and spotted it laying down out from the bush edge. Home...
Liked On: 28-10-2017, 09:27 AM
Give me a ring early next week Harry, we'll tee up a time and go for a drive.
Liked On: 27-10-2017, 08:50 PM
ATM ChCh is approx 7 hours from Picton.
Liked On: 27-10-2017, 07:36 PM
Ive caught heaps of them surfcasting around the region, short tail, longtail rays, and the eagleray. The eagleray are by far the better one to hook for sport and eating. They run faster and fight...
Liked On: 27-10-2017, 11:48 AM
Sadly my british coach licence doesn't transfer to NZ, and apparently you need a police check to get a P endorsement in NZ, which leaves me screwed. Great idea though.
Liked On: 27-10-2017, 10:13 AM
But I've seen gimps feet
Liked On: 26-10-2017, 09:15 PM
BRADS and his wife did pretty much everything, they're amazing. No chance of long range rabbits down there?
Liked On: 26-10-2017, 08:39 PM
Kind of enevitable really, its quite an exciting prospect ;) im fizzing at the bung
Liked On: 26-10-2017, 08:10 PM