it was 1815 yards / 1665 m been a work in progress since last year's shoot. got pretty close to 1275 yards about a month ago, and we had absolutely perfect conditions on saturday.
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 09:22 PM
that one is a bit short (900 yds max) for the toys some of the guys bring to these events. at least 2km targets, varied terrain with gullies etc would be good
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 09:21 PM
Far enough to hit a 3" little red ball ;)
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 09:21 PM
It ok Ryan, someone will post a link to the Tardme auction shortly :P
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 08:07 PM
Bloody stoked I got to meet you all. Brads and Mel, take a bow, you're gold-plated good sorts of the highest order. A South Island version meet would be fair, it's a long way for all you alleged main...
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 08:07 PM
Things I either learn't or confirmed this weekend. 1 BRADS is a legend 2 Mel, Brads wife, is also a legend 3 You don't need custom guns or wildcats to shoot long out to silly distances 4 You...
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 07:54 PM
Has already been said but thanks to everyone for a great weekend, I didn't know anyone but everyone was very welcoming, thanks brads and Mel great venue and very well organised with some great feeds...
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 06:41 PM
Just practice with your current scope on 9x. My other 22LR has a 3-9x40 on it and I basically never take it off 9x. The only stage i would have felt mildly disadvantaged on with 9x was the fish and I...
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 06:12 PM
Somewhere in Marlborough would be great. Not far off the ferry for the foreigners and not too far for most SI blokes.
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 05:36 PM
Yeah what a cracker weekend. Big huge thanks to Brads and Mel, massive effort and thanks for having us! Thanks to the family for having us along again too. Luke you still cant light a fire for...
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 10:49 AM
Legend.......So what did you have, 5hrs sleep in 3 days?
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 10:38 AM
Made it home, still got an hour to sleep too! 77433
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 02:35 AM
Much as I appreciate the feeling of laying my stiff and sunburned body down in a real bed, it doesn't really compare to the experience of camping out in a paddock, surrounded by the legends that I...
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 02:35 AM
Cheers for another banger weekend lads and ladies was a good one. Stopping for a stretch of the legs before I carry on home 77399
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 02:32 AM
Thanks to all for the organisation of this event - it's been said before, but the organisers cannot be thanked enough. Awesome event, awesome organisation and awesome to place faces and backgrounds...
Liked On: 16-10-2017, 02:31 AM