You missed found space in the safe, so need to add another one. I'd hang onto the Tikka 695 and add something else into the mix at some point.
Liked On: 22-10-2019, 10:43 AM
Look at getting Vanguard Endeavour I think it is that Tahr recommends.
Liked On: 22-10-2019, 08:58 AM
Think that one involved a Blizzard and Corola.
Liked On: 27-09-2019, 07:30 PM
Yes. Vibrations are movement and can be broken down into harmonics. If the vibrations in the barrelled action were truly random then load development could not do anything. But because they are not...
Liked On: 10-09-2019, 10:04 PM
It's has been good fun over the years, pulling them apart, rehashing, suggesting changes, .... Onwards and upwards. Development will be slow as I only get about 20 minutes on my feet at a time at...
Liked On: 10-09-2019, 10:03 AM
It's has been good fun over the years, pulling them apart, rehashing, suggesting changes, .... Onwards and upwards. Development will be slow as I only get about 20 minutes on my feet at a time at...
Liked On: 09-09-2019, 11:03 PM
That is typical salesman behaviour. Something I've noticed over the years. Work for one outfit and slam the oppositions products. Move to the opposition and start slamming the company you were...
Liked On: 09-09-2019, 10:24 PM
It's has been good fun over the years, pulling them apart, rehashing, suggesting changes, .... Onwards and upwards. Development will be slow as I only get about 20 minutes on my feet at a time at...
Liked On: 09-09-2019, 09:15 PM
It's has been good fun over the years, pulling them apart, rehashing, suggesting changes, .... Onwards and upwards. Development will be slow as I only get about 20 minutes on my feet at a time at...
Liked On: 09-09-2019, 09:13 PM
It's has been good fun over the years, pulling them apart, rehashing, suggesting changes, .... Onwards and upwards. Development will be slow as I only get about 20 minutes on my feet at a time at...
Liked On: 09-09-2019, 08:31 PM
It's has been good fun over the years, pulling them apart, rehashing, suggesting changes, .... Onwards and upwards. Development will be slow as I only get about 20 minutes on my feet at a time at...
Liked On: 09-09-2019, 07:36 PM
I'm happy with either, though I've not used MIL. I prefer MOA as it is a finer adjustment. It is also handy at the range where 7mm holes are about the size of a click and my 24mm dot targets are...
Liked On: 02-09-2019, 07:00 PM
I generally just used the treadly for transport, but did a few races and trails too. My aim was to be barely able to stand when I got where I was going. Fastest time to uni (10km) was not on the...
Liked On: 01-09-2019, 11:28 PM
Pretty much a snap for me. Bought the XL250RC in 1983 with about 1500km on the clock. 117633 117632 Traded it about a year later for a brand spanking XR200RD
Liked On: 01-09-2019, 07:53 PM
My understanding is that the powder residue attracts moisture from the atmosphere. This ends up being present on the crown and threads, and I would suspect you would get a galvanic reaction between...
Liked On: 29-08-2019, 10:24 PM