First walk with a rifle for over 2 months. Good to get my eye back in. 242237
Liked On: 26-01-2024, 04:30 PM
Don't do what I did with the first one the damn cat brought in, pinned it to the wall with the diving handspear then got cute with the wife and made her deal with it for me while I tried not to...
Liked On: 13-01-2024, 11:25 PM
If you call them pests feel free to drop them off at mine, I'll assist with disposal... Been doing ok on the f**king rosellas this year so far, knocked off a breeding pair on the 5th and picked...
Liked On: 13-01-2024, 11:24 PM
Was rather funny , although the wife was crying absolutely petrified she was up on the kitchen bench,both cats had it bailed up under a wicker basket just a case of sliding barrel in to eight inches...
Liked On: 13-01-2024, 04:51 PM
Bloody cat brought it in live ,3 am in the morning chased it with a broom for a bit until light bulb moment ,fucken slug gun sacked it [emoji106]241442 Sent from my Nokia X20 using Tapatalk
Liked On: 13-01-2024, 11:18 AM
Chilling out before bed at 3.34am - a very pleasant shoot tonight on a site near Christchurch. Had opportunity to play with my Howa 1500 223 after shooting it in on range recently - thoroughly...
Liked On: 13-01-2024, 11:15 AM
These 6 pesties :) 241418
Liked On: 13-01-2024, 11:14 AM
Not as many as you guys down South but managed 41 Rabbits and 2 Hedgehogs over 2 nights. 3 hours total with the PCP. All with a view of the lake. My last night tonight hoping to break 50 total before...
Liked On: 12-01-2024, 01:37 PM
80 more bunnies yesterday evening. (83 if you include the 3 with the truck on the way home) Only missed five shots all night, which I’m particularly happy about. Two of those were due to trying to...
Liked On: 12-01-2024, 01:36 PM
Just lately I've been granted access to a wee block of around 1000Ha :D So have been out a couple of times in the last fortnight, looking for goats and bowling some roo's. Been a good opportunity to...
Liked On: 12-01-2024, 01:36 PM
First shoot for the year with ruger last night. Ive tried him off the lead and hes coming on really well. Got 43 possums last night and ruger goes and gets them but knows not to go through fences...
Liked On: 05-01-2024, 02:41 AM
I've hunted every day of 2024. 7 rabbits before dinner yesterday and 5 on new years day. First 3, 10 minutes into the hunt. 240747
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 01:54 PM
Went out for the first time in over a year. Managed 25 bunnies in a night, high score for me. Carried around 10 home. 239242 239243
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 01:41 PM
239007239007 SO I was out looking for fallow/goat the other day when a sudden movement out the corner of my eye presented a pest control opportunity. Bonus was the joey in the pouch, so twofer...
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 01:41 PM
First shot for 2024 and started the year in style 240691
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 01:40 PM