6/303imp came up on TM a few years ago for in hindsight a ridiculously low price . .. with scope and dies etc 47070 47069 kicked myself often over that one . . .. does anyone know nero4 R
Liked On: 17-03-2016, 09:34 AM
me -have to be an apache attack chopper fully tooled up- even the ducks would sit up and take notice :O_O:-"dang dat blokes tooled up bro he must mean business -sheiiiit ya dont say ,what i does know...
Liked On: 17-03-2016, 09:33 AM
Spent a weekend at great barrier fitted the rocket launcher and then spent the next weekend at mayor island Almost ready to take her to 3 kings 46988 46989 46990 46987
Liked On: 15-03-2016, 10:12 PM
Only think i have always been told with euro is buy new and sell before the warranty runs out
Liked On: 15-03-2016, 08:41 PM
Yeh. many of the ones that posted misunderstood my meaning and intent. Never mind, there is no long term harm done. On the subject of pumps; the first gun I provided my grandson was a 20ga Remington...
Liked On: 15-03-2016, 08:23 PM
Under NO circumstances should one attempt any sort of DIY brain reorganisation-FFSthe owner of the reorged brain could yeild to temptation and become a politician!!! no you fools ,i did not say...
Liked On: 15-03-2016, 05:47 PM
You Tussock, you couldn't have picked Woody anymore incorrect. I know woody only through this forum, I've spent more than a few hours travelling with him to shoots I've learnt about through this...
Liked On: 15-03-2016, 02:02 PM
mikee DOC Boundaries (https://www.dropbox.com/s/k6w2k8ag15ydw9o/DOC%20Boundaries%202014_01.img?dl=0) Copy it into the "GARMIN" folder in your GPS or SD card. You can make a new folder on your card...
Liked On: 15-03-2016, 12:58 PM
You are right Tahr calling someone an idiot isn't the way to go but I do agree with what has been mostly said so far regarding semi-auto ownership. And MassiveAttack made some good points. ...
Liked On: 14-03-2016, 05:42 PM
Problem is I saw it in the page two of the Sunday star times. Guess what paper we cancelled today.... Here is a comparison for that twat. Swap the word cars for the times he used guns. We all...
Liked On: 14-03-2016, 05:33 PM
When home, I drive past the spot where his house was all the time. There are still his bullet holes in the Kowhitirangi hall across the road. My wife is related to him, so I am nice to her...
Liked On: 14-03-2016, 05:31 PM
Good news for those who use the Ruahines.:) "New radio repeater for Ruahine Ranges will help save lives" In an effort to help with Search and Rescue (SAR) responses and Department of...
Liked On: 14-03-2016, 10:17 AM
I thoroughly enjoy semi autos. I am thinking about getting my daughter a semi auto shot gun as her first firearm. Her A should be in the post soon.
Liked On: 14-03-2016, 09:48 AM
Seriously? So because they are no use to you, no one should have them? It's not the type of firearm thats at fault it's the knobends that use them unlawfully. I know people that would do more...
Liked On: 14-03-2016, 09:47 AM
best bet is meths thinned with 30% water, we used to use ethanol at the museum. It kills all mould cells by rupturing the cell membrane and dehydrating it plus it doesn't attack any metal work or...
Liked On: 14-03-2016, 08:29 AM