A shearing tally counter taped to the jes grip for the driver u wouldn't believe how much u under estimate num shot
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 01:40 PM
240439 Neighbours home but know cop cars up here yet,gonna take it down to the creek to feed the eels.
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 01:39 PM
Stupid aussie flys towards the house while i'm on the deck. 240434 240435 240436
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 01:39 PM
Got out for a walk with the Fox 222 recently. Shot placement was a bit rusty to start, improved as the evening went on. 5 in total, must get back there again as plenty bouncing around....
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 01:38 PM
nope not fluted..hammer forged and left as it ends up is my understanding of the outer spirals....
Liked On: 30-12-2023, 11:47 PM
I've got one in 300BLK (Gen 1) and concur, but it smooths out pretty quickly.
Liked On: 30-12-2023, 11:43 PM
Merry Christmas from Ruger. Some interesting calibres and barrel lengths available. Wonder if we might get the Ranch 16” options in 6mm ARC and 6.5Cr here. Due for release Q1 2024. ...
Liked On: 28-12-2023, 12:47 PM
Tik Tok or Trebly..............Converted! 240314
Liked On: 28-12-2023, 12:41 PM
Don't worry I'm sure we'll be doing it again. We won't fill Rushy up with curried eggs next time so he has room for the mixed grill
Liked On: 04-12-2023, 01:56 PM
The missing gate looks like the best thing to ever happen there. Save me having to be gate bitch for Micky Duck. :D
Liked On: 04-12-2023, 01:52 PM
Rushy (swigging down before the others), csmiffy, Steve, Phil (seated), Harry (host and king of the curried eggs), Ryan (seated) and John. Gadgetman scarpered when the grog got poured lest he feint...
Liked On: 03-12-2023, 02:16 PM
A Mixed Grill for Rushy at the top pub. I did warn you but it kept you quiet for a while 238610
Liked On: 03-12-2023, 12:57 PM
was neat to finally put some faces to names...I cut a trail early and went off to hopefully find something made of venison...no joy but did manage a good nights sleep in wagon and ventilated 9...
Liked On: 03-12-2023, 12:55 PM
I that event I will relocate to the pub in the middle of town to secure an RV point and wet my whistle. I’ll be the old codger wearing an olive green hoodie and jeans.
Liked On: 03-12-2023, 12:52 PM
238458 Bazinga
Liked On: 01-12-2023, 12:10 PM