Just having look back at photos and thought I'd post a couple. All public land 231724 231725 231726 231727 231728 231729 231731
Liked On: 25-08-2023, 10:06 AM
Carbon wrap stock builds. Brno zkk, sako Finnbear and Carl Gustav 1900. Refining my process. Keen to get started on some howa superlite builds
Liked On: 30-05-2023, 10:07 PM
Just strop up on a Sako 75 barrel :) 223990
Liked On: 16-05-2023, 09:34 PM
Righto akaroa1, you asked for it... an utterly shit yarn, but hope you get a chuckle out of it... After a week down in Chch for work, went out to bro's farm in Mid-Canty for the weekend. There was...
Liked On: 20-02-2023, 10:41 AM
Today I got up early and headed away for a hunt. left the old gal Meg at home in a sulk ,took young Poppy as both dogs together just isnt working,the old gal cant wind properly with young lass...
Liked On: 19-01-2023, 08:15 AM
One of my somewhat recent purchases getting a fondle. 136552 136553
Liked On: 20-04-2020, 12:46 AM
Why not import a "nice" Mercator? Brass scale ones are nice but haven't seen one for sale here in NZ except second hand on trademe ...
Liked On: 07-08-2018, 09:36 PM
This is the only decent pic I have of it mounted, "interesting" pose from Philipo adds a bit of flavor. The one the taxidermist sent through is a bit blurry. I'm yet to get my hands on it. And...
Liked On: 26-07-2018, 06:50 PM
So my eldest turned 17 today , yesterday I suggested perhaps a birthday hunt could be in order to try & curb her wicked vegetarian ways , surprisingly the suggestion wasn't met with an instant frown...
Liked On: 15-07-2018, 08:31 AM