Nice , Take Gary up on his offer. The low PH rings are a good match for the comb height. All the other "low" rings I've used are significantly higher about the same as the medium PH. In my...
Liked On: 19-11-2022, 12:50 PM
gilly , I still have a set of conetrol rings and bases from the eighties I used to have on the identical rifle to yours , let me know if your interested in them
Liked On: 19-11-2022, 09:39 AM
As another option = They are the same width as the CZ/Brno large centrefire (i think the mini actions were smaller?) but without the recoil stop. I personally would go with garyp's offer, as they...
Liked On: 19-11-2022, 08:02 AM
I have got a set of low Parker hale rings that will fit perfectly.
Liked On: 19-11-2022, 08:02 AM
Hotsoup is not the problem.
Liked On: 15-11-2022, 09:01 PM
I trail run 40-50km a week, and 3-4 gym sessions a week at low-medium intensity as my cardio is taken care of with the running. All my running is done to and from work so it doesn't cut into family...
Liked On: 03-11-2022, 08:04 PM
Just give Trueflite a call and they can probably give you an estimate over the phone. At least then you have a starting point re dollars. Nb they don't list 7x57 but do list 7M08 and 7x61 as...
Liked On: 26-10-2022, 07:27 AM
That would be a nice little number Someone on here recently had a more original one of those M96 7x57. Much jealous It's already been sporterised so maybe keep an eye out for a pre loved remington...
Liked On: 21-10-2022, 02:04 PM
You could probably get a Lothar -Walther pre contoured short chambered barrel for that action and take it back to "original".
Liked On: 21-10-2022, 10:17 AM
If plans go ahead to rebuild huts ive offered roofing iron at a cheaper rate than normal . Condition apply to huts only .Its a start to rebuild the lines of contact . It may or may not work...
Liked On: 16-10-2022, 02:43 PM
I put mine in the magic basket and then they appear in the other magic basket in our spare room.
Liked On: 25-09-2022, 03:05 PM
End of the day....doesnt matter. Either works. Ask the dead animal if it works better when you decide which one
Liked On: 15-09-2022, 10:33 PM
Organised Friday just gone off work, planned a Friday / Saturday overnight hunt with a mate, but as Friday approached and forecast was checked, overnighter was down graded to a day hunt, left home...
Liked On: 11-09-2022, 01:49 PM
A long time ago I decided I'd like to hand down my old Ruger 308 to my boy which has a lot of sentimental value to me. I had bought the rifle second hand off my uncle in my late teens and it had...
Liked On: 15-07-2022, 09:45 AM
There are also a bunch of top fellas on here who give it away free. I have been the appreciative recipient a couple of times, fantastic when you are starting out on your reloading journey and have a...
Liked On: 04-07-2022, 09:10 PM