I'm surprised you were even inspected by a constable? Because a dude in a black jersey with a sherif badge and a clipboard doesn't actually make you a cop. I worked on the same floor as my arms...
Liked On: 10-08-2016, 11:50 AM
Quote from the nice cop that came to my place for security check. On getting out of his car, his first words were; `shit, I don't really need to see your gun security, as that driveway is enough...
Liked On: 10-08-2016, 11:49 AM
So - in this plan they will ban all domestic keeping of rats, mice, stoats, ferrets, cats and rabbits? I think we are all aware that the true European feral rabbit only occurs in brown with some...
Liked On: 28-07-2016, 09:59 AM
I had that too.. Then I popped a broad head right under the nanny's elbow [emoji6]. Ps that's freakin awesome, good effort. Bear Grills would be envious. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 23-07-2016, 08:54 AM
But of course, it's stuff.co.nz: WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT??
Liked On: 22-07-2016, 02:17 PM
Do you really feel an E cat gun is any more deadly than an A cat gun? I know you mean well, but this is part of the issue, we accept their horrible made up definitions and classes as fact and as...
Liked On: 16-07-2016, 03:53 PM
I won't be able to fart shortly, unless I have a bucket strapped to my arse! Why do NZers let this shit happen. DOC land will be next! A big money grab IMHO and kill as much fun as possible!
Liked On: 16-07-2016, 11:05 AM
If I see a drone flying on public land I am going to shoot it out of the sky. Annoying buzzy things. As for checking slips before walking...lol. The deer will be gone at the buzz of a drone. Next you...
Liked On: 07-07-2016, 10:07 PM
When the shit starts to hit the fan, and its hitting now, we all need to stick together regardless of our preferences. Those of us with current Firearms Licenses are supposedly responsible firearms...
Liked On: 20-06-2016, 08:50 PM
Geez you can prohibit things now based on appearance? Better ban rock salt it looks a bit like meth, they better ban their beer too as it looks a lot like cat piss. Tastes a bit like it too! Sorry...
Liked On: 06-06-2016, 10:25 PM