you gve a gsp a inch and they,l wipe the floor with you . consistent repetive but keep it interesting with new stuff to they pick up things fast but no shortcuts would be my best advice
Liked On: 31-03-2023, 08:47 PM
the universal tradition good company good food good laughs and the bonus of a few fat ducks
Liked On: 25-03-2023, 07:56 AM
the universal tradition good company good food good laughs and the bonus of a few fat ducks
Liked On: 24-03-2023, 10:23 PM
the universal tradition good company good food good laughs and the bonus of a few fat ducks
Liked On: 24-03-2023, 08:29 PM
used one oa couple of times many years ago actually really useful until you get the buggers wet then they get real gheavy real quick and take a while to dry out
Liked On: 12-03-2023, 06:08 PM
id almost bet you i could name the biggest nay sayer in that room. the laugh is you can shoot lead over land for ducks geese and shelducks where presumembly the lead sits till it sinks or is stepped...
Liked On: 03-03-2023, 06:01 PM
if you shoot a lot of geese with a sub gauge then steel doesnt factor so much cos your best huntng is where they feed usually on paddocks some distance from water Thats why the 20 suited me for...
Liked On: 02-03-2023, 05:30 PM
f&g cant run membership drives and tout for new blood then on the other hand kill the only entry level option available to younger gunners. not unless the woke lunies are absolutly running the ship ...
Liked On: 02-03-2023, 03:32 PM
if you shoot a lot of geese with a sub gauge then steel doesnt factor so much cos your best huntng is where they feed usually on paddocks some distance from water Thats why the 20 suited me for...
Liked On: 02-03-2023, 03:32 PM
the problem with the 20 gauge is you get suckered by how well the 2 3/4 inch lead loads kill everything. then you run around trying unsuccessfuly mostly trying to emulate it with the choice of...
Liked On: 26-02-2023, 05:15 PM
mostly cos who knows whose doing what. id be well in if one cohesive plan was in the pipiline from one respected apolitical source
Liked On: 14-02-2023, 01:38 PM
that f..kin crimial waste in this day and age
Liked On: 09-02-2023, 05:53 PM
you cant say botulism anymore its ltgbq or some such crap now:O_O::D
Liked On: 06-02-2023, 03:58 PM
managed to get my hands on one of these with a 28 inch pipe yesterday . seems a decent gun especialy for the money[650] decent action bars and good fit for people with short arms and wieght and...
Liked On: 02-12-2022, 07:17 AM
managed to get my hands on one of these with a 28 inch pipe yesterday . seems a decent gun especialy for the money[650] decent action bars and good fit for people with short arms and wieght and...
Liked On: 30-11-2022, 08:28 PM