Was about 12m3 before going in and I got the Hilux up to Bottom Gordons. A few tricky crossings with the boulders but not too bad. A great place for an explore. Went for a big walk and fly...
Liked On: 07-03-2022, 06:27 AM
LED Lenser SE07r is awesome, small, bright and comes with a rechargeable battery or you can use 3x aaa
Liked On: 06-03-2022, 07:00 PM
I think the rule was something like only one change to the permit members and within reasonable time before your permit period.
Liked On: 06-03-2022, 06:57 PM
I would like to nominate bunji he could do with a guide to show him the ropes :thumbsup:
Liked On: 04-03-2022, 07:20 AM
Well I like pina coladas and taking walks in the rain, I not into health food and I have half a brain.....lol
Liked On: 03-03-2022, 06:24 AM
Only after he has gone through a doorway....
Liked On: 02-03-2022, 06:13 PM
In a perfect world some of the bearers would carry a picnic hamper fully provisioned with cold meats, bread, a selection of cheeses, salads and dessert plus suitable cold beverages. Others would have...
Liked On: 24-01-2022, 06:17 PM
It works perfectly well. Download a app, nz topo or topo50 and away you go. Topo50 you download the island map north or south and the maps in your phone. Put your phone on flight mode and the battery...
Liked On: 19-01-2022, 08:18 AM
Only men drink Speights beer,head south.
Liked On: 07-01-2022, 08:31 AM
all good bud....prone is always best....you can get away with a sleeping bag in its cover/cushion...day bag with old swannie inside it is ideal....if you have and use bipod..consider trying something...
Liked On: 28-12-2021, 08:31 PM
Simplest solution is to carry a soft electric guitar bag around with you and whenever you go to the supermarket/take a crap/go to dinner you throw your rifle in the guitar bag and sling it over your...
Liked On: 22-12-2021, 08:14 PM
Just had my 60th on the weekend & was gifted these custom F1, S1 and A1 Fallknivens by the crew ,back when we were traveling around Oz in our Mitzi 4x4 Canter Camper ,we would drop the camper off in...
Liked On: 14-12-2021, 08:24 PM
There will only be one person cooler than someone who has a ranger parked up there drive, that is someone who has 2 rangers up the drive :thumbsup: I have a 2020 model and that requires an adaptor...
Liked On: 13-12-2021, 06:49 PM
https://www.guncity.com/boston-security-horizontal-drawer-digital-safe-375238 what about one of these under the bed?
Liked On: 07-12-2021, 06:57 PM
Seeing Charlie on Monday. Will ask him .
Liked On: 28-11-2021, 07:58 AM