I love the way it just sat down and stayed there! Much better than the ones that roll down slips. :-)
Liked On: 05-02-2023, 01:59 PM
Hi all I've been tracking the numbers and since EKH stopped flying there has been a decrease of 31% in the number of parties flying in to the Kaweka FP over the last 12 months compared to the...
Liked On: 31-01-2023, 05:57 PM
Second year hunting; shoot anything you can carry. Worry about being a grumpy old man once you’ve shoot 100! Honestly you did the right thing. There’s miles to many deer around, they’re better in...
Liked On: 17-01-2023, 07:41 PM
And we are immensely grateful of your jotting down Bruce. Long may it continue. Great stories amongst this thread fellas. I'm almost a generation out from those early meat hunting days and used...
Liked On: 08-01-2023, 09:49 AM
Strongly believe you need hunting experience before a dog becomes part of the team.
Liked On: 30-12-2022, 12:37 PM
Keep going. Its real. Real is good.
Liked On: 18-12-2022, 07:59 PM
After advice and encouragement from some forum members rod and Dama dama I headed for a day hunt a couple weeks ago to stretch the legs and get a well needed break from thinking about work. It was...
Liked On: 14-12-2022, 07:38 PM
The dog and I got back yesterday from 12 days/11 nights in the Kawekas. It ended up not being the big walk I planned due tho knee issues, and the weather stopped the missus and young fella (and...
Liked On: 13-12-2022, 08:43 AM
Sam's mum was a colleague of mine in a previous life (for the both of us), she went off to bring up Sam, and for 13 years has been doing a damm fine job of it - he's a great kid. But there's only...
Liked On: 12-12-2022, 10:52 PM
I'm like Mohawk, tend to shoot 30-60m. 100m is long range in the bush. Most of the hunting on TV is long range because bush hunting isn't easy to film, people getting into a sport from TV / social...
Liked On: 02-12-2022, 11:41 AM
for me I started off hunting bush and have continued to do so to this day. My mates that have got into hunting later have had the money and splashed out with new modern technology and straight into...
Liked On: 02-12-2022, 11:31 AM
I find nothing more exciting than trekking through haunts of our forefathers with stories of magnificent animals seen and shot under testing conditions in hobnail boots, a bag of rice and wool...
Liked On: 17-11-2022, 12:19 PM
I'm so glad of the coincidence that Roger Forester visited Te Wairoa hut with another of the huts builders sons in May this year. Both now in their 70's They'll both be heart broken with the...
Liked On: 21-10-2022, 07:21 PM
Southland is terrible you don't want to come down here.
Liked On: 06-10-2022, 07:04 PM
I went for a hunt in the rain yesterday. Started at 4pm in the drizzle and ended up being poured on from 7pm to 9pm. But it didn't dampen my spirits. After about an our of hunting a finally spied...
Liked On: 06-10-2022, 06:59 PM