I like functional stuff that does a job well. Ive been guilty of spending stupid amounts of money on stuff also just because I thought it was cool or others would think it was cool but I think I'm...
Liked On: 19-09-2022, 07:51 PM
On a recent trip I tried out a bunch of low-cost knives: From top to bottom: - Kabar Dozier Folding Hunter - Kabar Folding Hunter - Victorinox Hunter - Svord Peasant - Mercator 205391
Liked On: 05-09-2022, 09:59 PM
What was wrong with the aus 8? It's definatley nothing flash but should be a serviceable stainless and should still hold an edge as well if not a wee bit better than the 1075 in the opinel.
Liked On: 05-09-2022, 09:58 PM
Thanks for the suggestion Hermitage. I did have a look at TradeMe yesterday but it's an option I'll try and avoid. Might traumatize the more sensitive students.
Liked On: 05-09-2022, 05:25 PM
I used a block and fine sand paper after a pig chased me off a cliff and I landed on my rifle on stones and it came out ok one direction only sanding and be real careful of the edges id say you...
Liked On: 23-08-2022, 11:05 AM
Long Live the Mighty Dude 06/12/209 10/08/2022 203527 With great sadness I write to tell you that The Dude has passed on. We brought the little fella from a young guy up in Kiddington...
Liked On: 11-08-2022, 09:36 PM
Do it if it is a cheapie scope that you dont care about. Dut if it is a good one, dont. You risk leaking out the nitrogen inside, then it is going to fog and/or erode coating of the glasses inside....
Liked On: 11-08-2022, 09:11 PM
yip coranary event,Ive seen possum trapped by single toe dead in trap before.
Liked On: 25-07-2022, 06:06 PM
A soft-hearted friend of mine catches rats in a small cage trap then releases them a km down the road. He says its not unusual for them to die before release. Stress maybe?
Liked On: 25-07-2022, 06:06 PM
CZ457 synthetic stock version, under 900 bucks, threaded, can buy 10shot mag, good trigger and accuracy, modernised classic design and workmanship, great brand reputation and resell value.
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 03:57 AM
Some interesting choices possible here. If you're investing in a 22LR rimfire to do PRS shooting, or you simply want to enjoy owning a nicely engineered rifle then its entirely valid to spend $1000-...
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 03:47 AM
Must be a good brew you are drinking :beer::roll:
Liked On: 01-07-2022, 10:04 PM
If you get carried away and end up re-finishing the stock, you could save the dust from sanding it down and mix that with Araldite. Fill the hole with this mixture and sand to shape.
Liked On: 30-06-2022, 08:17 PM
Ineffective, tac a1? Perhaps we can be thankful that these knife attack people didn't have easy access to MSA's? 'Cos thats how the majority of this countries' population see it. I agree with...
Liked On: 26-06-2022, 09:29 PM
I dont think the valur of the rifle comes into it. Ive had more 22s than you can poke a stick at, several higher end ones but mostly fairly modestly priced ones. The most accurate one Ive ever shot...
Liked On: 25-06-2022, 09:35 PM