Lived on the back of a lake at Ohiniwai locally known as Black Lake. Full of catfish that came up the farm drains to spawn. Pretty good eating, plenty of meat on them, cooked over swampwood fire...
Liked On: 14-02-2025, 07:42 PM
I used a super fine diamond file to dress the chamfered edge minutely as it turned in the drill and then polished it with Flitz paste. Two runs at it cured the problem. Still seems bizarre to me that...
Liked On: 13-02-2025, 11:53 PM
I used a super fine diamond file to dress the chamfered edge minutely as it turned in the drill and then polished it with Flitz paste. Two runs at it cured the problem. Still seems bizarre to me that...
Liked On: 13-02-2025, 10:44 PM
Yeah easy as Micky, no rocket science there eh? What I'd really like to know is how unusual this is, and why this would even happen? I load a bunch of diff cals. Have Hdy, Lee, Lyman and Redding...
Liked On: 13-02-2025, 05:11 PM
Definitely Plastic Point 268304
Liked On: 06-02-2025, 08:36 AM
Why we should look after the likes of Magnum Sports in Stratford, Taranaki.
Liked On: 22-01-2025, 08:33 AM
30.06king , Enjoying your thread. Appreciate getting the good with the bad. Real world experiences. I've shot hares with my 243 when I first got it, off this forum actually, both head shots at just...
Liked On: 01-01-2025, 08:48 AM
My son at 17 in 1999 had a VW Golf jap import. Solid indestructible....well...took.him.5 yrs but anyway. I asked him when he last checked the oil and, radiator and battery water levels. " Dad, thats...
Liked On: 26-12-2024, 01:41 PM
My son at 17 in 1999 had a VW Golf jap import. Solid indestructible....well...took.him.5 yrs but anyway. I asked him when he last checked the oil and, radiator and battery water levels. " Dad, thats...
Liked On: 19-12-2024, 05:28 AM
Add Nobel Shotgun Powder No 78 to the list. Slightly faster than AS30N and Red Dot. Use the Red Dot load data for 30cal reduced loads. In 303B and 30cal cases, pressure rises sharply above 13gn which...
Liked On: 18-12-2024, 01:57 PM
A forum quote I found recently 3in vs 2 1/2 in shells "In terms of pattern percentage, I'm sure that the 2.5 inch shell does a better job than the 3 inch shell. The very long shot column of the...
Liked On: 17-12-2024, 02:52 PM
My son at 17 in 1999 had a VW Golf jap import. Solid indestructible....well...took.him.5 yrs but anyway. I asked him when he last checked the oil and, radiator and battery water levels. " Dad, thats...
Liked On: 15-12-2024, 10:30 PM
My son at 17 in 1999 had a VW Golf jap import. Solid indestructible....well...took.him.5 yrs but anyway. I asked him when he last checked the oil and, radiator and battery water levels. " Dad, thats...
Liked On: 14-12-2024, 08:43 PM
I bought Zeropak's 30-06 recently offered on this forum. Shortly after getting it, it went to DPT to be threaded for one of their cans, a standard 30cal, I already owned. I had an extra baffle...
Liked On: 14-12-2024, 07:35 PM
My son at 17 in 1999 had a VW Golf jap import. Solid indestructible....well...took.him.5 yrs but anyway. I asked him when he last checked the oil and, radiator and battery water levels. " Dad, thats...
Liked On: 14-12-2024, 05:30 PM