I have a Zastava 308 with one, mounted nice and low in steel rings. It is a great combo that points really well. They are way better than their price point would suggest and they have a great field...
Liked On: 07-12-2021, 07:49 AM
I had the same model switched it between several rifles. It always worked. One feature I liked was that although not "tacticool the turrets were marked off so you could see how many rotations you had...
Liked On: 07-12-2021, 07:49 AM
Great lenses and great with a spotlight but the Ali tubes are soft so dont bash it around
Liked On: 07-12-2021, 07:49 AM
Have an old 1978? Nikko Stirling Gold Crown 4x40 scope sitting in the cupbourd. Lived on three differant 308's, .222 for a while and stupidly put it on a BSA Meteor air rifle. The air rifle f#cked...
Liked On: 06-12-2021, 09:18 PM
Absolutely. The problem is where I do a lot of the culling, the goats can quite often be out past 200m. In my experience there, the .223 has been absolutely fine in the past for everything up to 200....
Liked On: 06-12-2021, 08:26 PM
Iv got a old nikko stirling diamond 1.5x6x44 on my 308.Made in Japan.Deadly little scope,good glass and very accurate dialing.No problem shooting deer to 300yds.185354Just waiting on my new delta.
Liked On: 06-12-2021, 08:22 PM
The old 70s issue gold crowns were made in Japan. Think they were steel and meant to be relatively robust cost effective scopes but the glass not up to the level of the better ones.
Liked On: 06-12-2021, 08:22 PM
The early Nikko scopes were made in Japan and were ok for the price. Had a Gold crown for years , first on a .308 then many years on a Rossi .357. Always held zero... don`t actually remember what...
Liked On: 06-12-2021, 08:22 PM
the 3x9x40mm version has the best field of view by a large margin of any 3x Ive ever seen...... one came on my .223 25 years ago and is still going strong on rifle finnwolf now owns.... Ive killed 2...
Liked On: 06-12-2021, 08:22 PM
Just specifically dont you want photo's of? My manky home done navel piercing with the small staff infection crust. Or my badly plaited ball hair? Maybe its my proud man bun?:oh noes: I have...
Liked On: 28-11-2021, 08:43 PM
Just buy my undies You wont be disappointed Then "maybe" just "maybe" some brand branded guys will fall in line
Liked On: 28-11-2021, 08:43 PM
Marty Henry I believe that is true (not sure on how much rebated) but no trouble headspacing/indexing on the mouth, plenty of dangerous animal guns (Soldiers) work on this principle & I have never...
Liked On: 28-11-2021, 07:40 PM
I tried the bailing twine method mentioned earlier. But I found I would get concerned about the tension becoming too great. A bit of plaiting of the lower ball sack hair, and I now had a way to tie...
Liked On: 28-11-2021, 07:13 PM
Well I haven't done any hunting for a while due to a bad back and waiting for an op. Last couple of weeks it's been OK so went for a lazy walk with the dog and tipped over a billy at 30m. Shot hit...
Liked On: 27-11-2021, 08:25 PM
Rifle back suppressed witha DPT suppressor. Very short and handy, currently have a Bushnell trs-25 mounted but, may swap it out for my propoint or sig sauer, as the dot is alot bigger than the stated...
Liked On: 27-11-2021, 08:24 PM