Once you have both been shooting the .22 a bit, you could ask nicely at the club or here, to have a shot with a few different calibers before you sink money on anything. Best done after you have...
Liked On: 26-04-2024, 11:32 PM
I've been testing the new Sytong HT-70 - actually landed the first one worldwide to have a play with. Took this video last night on rabbits at 240y - pushing the limits on small fury animals at long...
Liked On: 25-04-2024, 10:21 AM
It's a matter of the rest of the night vision pack catching up with the Arken Zulus and Hikmicro Apex 4K now. At the moment value for money the Zulus is hard to beat. Sytong are about to release...
Liked On: 25-04-2024, 10:18 AM
I’ve brought back skulls etc from USA and as above , if they are clean you shouldn’t have a problem. Congrats on the hunt too. If I ever make it back to the UK those are the two animals I’d try...
Liked On: 22-04-2024, 07:55 PM
Last night I had my last hunt with the Sytong before it goes back (should be back by now but hoping Ken doesn’t mind). This was a bush and paddock situation. I was spotting deer at 4pm that I...
Liked On: 19-04-2024, 08:01 PM
35 mm is good,50mm is very good for longer range and id.Sytong service is great.
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 11:39 PM
PARD is another really good option, save yourself a grand as well. If you're mainly using it in the bush and don't need it for spotting at long range then I'd make sure your field of view is as wide...
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 11:38 PM
I have the XS03-35lrf Have been thrashing it and I am happy with the unit
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 11:38 PM
Had a 38mm pulsar,went up to 50mm conetec,too much horse power and like lifting up a 1kg dump bell every 5 minuts.Now have beening using a 35mm infira with built in range finder for the last 18...
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 11:38 PM
I have one with the LRF. 3 of us went out the other night, one Pard, one Pulsar and my Sytong. All were amazed a the Sytong picture calrity in comparison. The Sytong has an option for continuous...
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 11:38 PM
Ive just tested a Sytong range finding one but not sure if it is the latest one you refer to. I will need to look. Used it on wallaby and some deer. It was very clear and a breeze to navigate around....
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 11:28 PM
Personal bias declaration: I hate air rifles and I hate .17 anything! The 22LR has been the go to caliber for rabbiting for over 100 years, I see no point in changing what clearly is tried, proven...
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 06:06 AM
I thought I would put this guide together to answer common questions about the terms, tech and misconceptions around thermal technology. First step in buying a thermal is to decide what kind of...
Liked On: 18-04-2024, 05:06 AM
Now I realize this is a huge can of worms,but due to recent happenings I have decided its time to put down my thoughts. a few years ago while watching a duckshooting DVD it suddenly struck me how...
Liked On: 04-01-2024, 11:25 PM
I put a rub of brown sugar, black pepper and sea salt on whole back steaks and a lot of other cuts, leave for a few hours and it brings out some of the juice and makes the meat more permeable for...
Liked On: 24-04-2023, 08:54 AM