Geographically*** I’m about done with this phones self entitled auto correct
Liked On: 27-07-2022, 07:23 PM
Well that’s weird iv lost a post that I tried to edit which said “ I’m running on favours and trying to be as little a pest as possible to my friends doing the favours and geographically speaking...
Liked On: 26-07-2022, 09:04 PM
That’s way to hot mate dangerously fast for the combo my 6.5 saum did 3080fps with the 156 with rl26 and that was hot backed down to 3000 the saum has greater case capacity and rl26 is faster for...
Liked On: 25-07-2022, 11:19 AM
That’s way to hot mate dangerously fast for the combo my 6.5 saum did 3080fps with the 156 with rl26 and that was hot backed down to 3000 the saum has greater case capacity and rl26 is faster for...
Liked On: 25-07-2022, 07:55 AM
You obviously aware to be vigilant with temp/pressure spikes then other than that it’s a fantastic powder and goes threw auto machines very well
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 11:31 PM
That’s way to hot mate dangerously fast for the combo my 6.5 saum did 3080fps with the 156 with rl26 and that was hot backed down to 3000 the saum has greater case capacity and rl26 is faster for...
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 10:26 PM
I act on the side of caution now I was lucky to have no accidents. Theirs no requirements,formwork or education around reloading safe practices required here in NZ I don’t no if their is anywhere in...
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 10:25 PM
I act on the side of caution now I was lucky to have no accidents. Theirs no requirements,formwork or education around reloading safe practices required here in NZ I don’t no if their is anywhere in...
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 10:18 PM
That’s way to hot mate dangerously fast for the combo my 6.5 saum did 3080fps with the 156 with rl26 and that was hot backed down to 3000 the saum has greater case capacity and rl26 is faster for...
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 10:07 PM
That’s way to hot mate dangerously fast for the combo my 6.5 saum did 3080fps with the 156 with rl26 and that was hot backed down to 3000 the saum has greater case capacity and rl26 is faster for...
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 09:47 PM
My own little rule of thumb where these three powders are applicable is under 70gns RL26 and fed 210 over 70gn either 2225 or 2217 and fed 215 it’s not the rules but iv found it to work very well...
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 07:10 PM
I shot 42.6 gns of 2206h with 168 amax it was very accurate
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 04:04 PM
A fair bit slower I imagen would run out of room before you’d get to 3000 I would think and pressure would be up their
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 03:23 PM
Was mate past tense
Liked On: 24-07-2022, 12:53 PM
I appreciate “cunt” used in context a fine quality only Kiwis and our Australian cousins can do. Iv travelled the world and GC is not appreciated globally I can vouch for that
Liked On: 23-07-2022, 11:58 AM