Are your neighbours breeding from them Dundee or are they just fattening for the pot? If breeding then they should at least give you half a litter for your troubles.
Liked On: 09-09-2022, 07:58 AM
Battery powered toys... Pffft! If you truly hate someone, buy their kid a drum set!
Liked On: 08-09-2022, 08:07 PM
I am not 100% confident that it is achievable but I sure as hell wouldnt say its laughable and right the idea off completely. 10 yrs ago did you think they would have self re setting traps that...
Liked On: 06-09-2022, 10:41 AM
got some daytime crop camping possums on sat, the old fence batten caliber proving its capability's again 205419205420 and a Hare i tipped over a few weeks ago stretching the barrel with the...
Liked On: 05-09-2022, 05:37 PM
Braised pork hock/feet.... 203481 Very nice and simple as.
Liked On: 04-09-2022, 08:54 PM
We try to eke out our home kill beef with rabbit once a week or two. Cube it up and put in a weak vinegar/water mix for an hour or so. The soak in coconut milk overnight in the fridge. Next day make...
Liked On: 04-09-2022, 03:23 PM
Bit of fun this morning, took my 50cal muzzel loader out and shot a goat. Need to try for a deer next. 205285
Liked On: 03-09-2022, 04:04 PM
Mixed bag tonight. Turkey, possum and rabbit. Possums sat well. One not retrieved 4-5 let go as couldnt access the drop point. Will have to slash a track at some stage. ...
Liked On: 03-09-2022, 07:19 AM
205203 Good way to start the weekend.
Liked On: 02-09-2022, 10:26 PM
Now thats a feckin big bugger! 205221
Liked On: 02-09-2022, 10:25 PM
Guess they been munching the local Purple haze
Liked On: 02-09-2022, 03:43 PM
Spotted another hare while running the dogs. 204940 Not to far away this time. 204941 Bo doesn't move till the shot goes off so its all safe. 204942 And another retrieve for Bo 204943
Liked On: 01-09-2022, 11:05 PM
A bit of HMR goodness over weekend n tonight.... ...
Liked On: 01-09-2022, 11:05 PM
Spring Has Sprung!205069
Liked On: 01-09-2022, 11:05 PM
Ranged a magpie at 120 yards. 204773 No problem for the .22 Stirling 204774
Liked On: 28-08-2022, 10:34 PM