I feel like shouldering a rifle and looking down the barrel should be intuitive (like pointing a stick or spirit level).... but obviously it's not.
Liked On: 19-08-2022, 09:38 AM
there is allot of pleasure removing predators like cats. you will find the more you remove the better the bird life will be - especially those pheasants
Liked On: 18-08-2022, 06:49 PM
That rifle is a thumb stealer, make sure you block the side lever under your arm in case the sear drops while your thumb is in there. I have one in the safe waiting for a rainy day rebuild.
Liked On: 18-08-2022, 12:45 PM
Greetings again Joe Schmo. Just some observations. Your kids are probably thrashing the 10-22 right now but soon they will want to move up. That won't be to a 7mm Rem Mag and shouldn't be to a .308...
Liked On: 18-08-2022, 09:51 AM
I run a 22, a 223, 308 and a 12ga. And along with a .177 springer I have all my bases cover for NZ hunting.
Liked On: 18-08-2022, 09:46 AM
We'll just have to wait for another 9 years for a reply :D Noel is not a man who likes to be rushed :thumbsup:
Liked On: 17-08-2022, 08:40 PM
203928 This rusty piece of shit I found in a remote place, bit of cooking oil and little sight in works, 20 meters on a beer can, hit every time. But, did `t have chance for a field test.
Liked On: 17-08-2022, 05:41 PM
If you are only shooting rats (but i have slocked bigger critters) get a C02 rifle like the cr600w from Gun city, this is very accurate at 20m and quite quiet with the factory suppressor, GC also...
Liked On: 17-08-2022, 05:34 PM
Welcome to the forum Noel. That's quite a wait for an intro. No point rushing these things ya know :)
Liked On: 17-08-2022, 08:28 AM
A learning experience about our compost bin – tucked away beside some garden shrubs. Decided to shift it and cut some shrubs back. Found about half a barrow load of fresh dirt under a shrub on the...
Liked On: 16-08-2022, 10:58 PM
I finished all the machining on this G1 22 yesterday Reassembled it last night Sighted it in this morning Got these guys this afternoon What a great little rifle now 203899
Liked On: 16-08-2022, 10:52 PM
I have an oval torch and just use velcro straps from Aliexpress, cheap and works great
Liked On: 16-08-2022, 08:38 PM
One of my staff has her young nephew down here from Whangarei at the moment trying to keep him away from the gangs. He's just gone 17 and is probably a good kid under his hard exterior. We are going...
Liked On: 15-08-2022, 07:12 PM
Try gutting 300 plus rabbits at 1 every 30 seconds,hard on the back and hands.You standing in the one spot trying to keep warm.Its not a easy life for a self employed contractor out there.After youv...
Liked On: 15-08-2022, 07:04 PM
My best in the Hawkes Bay is 1058 on my own for three afternoons. Mainly long range with .223 and .22-250, so there was no need to gut them after shooting.
Liked On: 15-08-2022, 06:58 PM