I thought the issue with air rifles is that springers have a forward and back recoil which is bad for scopes. Not so much the force of the recoil.
Liked On: 15-08-2022, 06:45 PM
I havent got exacts in .22 at the moment - got JSB Stratton 15.89gr which you have seen the results through my CR600w and they are preforming amazingly. Ive just got a tin of .25 JSB Hades to test...
Liked On: 15-08-2022, 05:39 PM
Thanks guys Advice much appreciated. Will post test results. Airguns web Sites are quiet. Have got more response here.
Liked On: 14-08-2022, 11:09 PM
first ones for this afternoons walk with the .22 203784
Liked On: 14-08-2022, 09:05 PM
203732 357... pest removal so yea it was a texas heart shot on the run... plus I also got 5 possums that night so a good night overall
Liked On: 14-08-2022, 03:00 PM
I usually like my springers around 890-950 range and choose the pellet weight depending on that and accuracy. If gun goes beyond 950, I use a higher weight pellet (Provided its accurate) Usually...
Liked On: 14-08-2022, 12:55 AM
Pushing the old faithfull Stirling 14p out over gullys. 203719 Got the bugger 203720 203722 Sent Bo over the gully cause I'm not walking over there.:D 203723 Bo coming up the other side with...
Liked On: 13-08-2022, 09:28 PM
1st couple for the evening 203711
Liked On: 13-08-2022, 09:28 PM
A walk/drive combo this arvo…. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220813/f64101a56dd5043a4ca6e78a0cbdf253.jpg https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220813/e1e7fd15294f62338ae55b46a313a0a4.jpg ...
Liked On: 13-08-2022, 09:25 PM
Depends on your rifle and what it it set up for. For less powerful rifles such as junior air rifles you might get away with a lighter pellet but junior rifles are normally only .177 The...
Liked On: 12-08-2022, 11:43 PM
I am kind of new to hunting and have found your forum a great source of info . Worked on a farm when I was 17 to 19 and contracted pest control for then nzfp , so had killed many animals . Now 48 ,...
Liked On: 11-08-2022, 09:59 PM
Can't sell, can't buy, can't possess. You need to hand them in to Police, who will loose 3, confiscate one as it meets some definition of illegal and destroy it, and accidentally hand the other two...
Liked On: 11-08-2022, 07:02 PM
Mrs M and I recently started target shooting. The main reason was to gain familiarity with a firearm in a sensible and controlled way, with regular instruction and sme evidence of 'getting better' at...
Liked On: 10-08-2022, 06:26 PM
quick one to say g'day. found myself redirected here on a few of my google searches. been pretty helpful actually.. cheers everyone for sharing some good info & a bit of banter. i got old, fat...
Liked On: 10-08-2022, 06:12 PM
[QUOTE=tiroahunta;1348145]Mixed bag yesterday. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220806/28d4fd939156e8be970764b403336aa3.jpg ...
Liked On: 08-08-2022, 07:44 PM