First On Race Days
Liked On: 18-02-2023, 08:01 AM
and for the record I HAVE ABOSOLUTELY no issue with any firearms being in hands of responsible licence holders.
Liked On: 17-02-2023, 06:41 PM
Micky, shooting oneself in the foot is a whole lot more common on NZ police ranges and Pistol NZ ranges (as opposed to service rifle comps), yet they don't seem to be the target of the latest round...
Liked On: 17-02-2023, 06:41 PM
Because that is what war is mate. Old men talking and arguing. Young men dying. Nothing more, nothing less.
Liked On: 17-02-2023, 12:20 PM
And seeing most homes built now have attached garages and no space for outbuildings, that may need to be addressed...
Liked On: 14-02-2023, 04:00 AM
Get Andrew Hore on the job.
Liked On: 06-02-2023, 08:48 PM
if a male sealion is chasing you throw some tupperware at them...............they will stop chasing you because they like a good tight seal
Liked On: 06-02-2023, 08:47 PM,the%20Ministry%20for%20the%20Environment. That link should take you to the...
Liked On: 04-02-2023, 06:39 AM
Looks like a steaming pile of shit. Roll on October. I'm over these assholes stealing our rights out from under us.
Liked On: 04-02-2023, 06:37 AM
Hate the bastard things and especially when they shit in the troughs. In my opinion, Pukes are like Possums. The only good ones are dead.
Liked On: 31-01-2023, 05:28 PM
It's an Aussie swamp hen, meh
Liked On: 31-01-2023, 05:23 PM
Hope this doesn’t cross the boundaries of the forums political commissars. Not trying to influence anyone, just sharing in case it helps anyone else to have their say. Q1 - Should the firearms...
Liked On: 30-01-2023, 07:31 AM
It specifically mentions stock that feeds or contributes to the feeding of the ammunition. Thus if the stock does not contribute to the feeding then by their wording it is not a part. As...
Liked On: 29-01-2023, 07:28 PM
ooooh goody..that box of bolts in garage that fit into firearm...all the paperwork they shall be filling out henceforthwith..... yeah nah not worth the hassle.
Liked On: 29-01-2023, 07:27 PM
I see social media is firing up over the Breakfast Show hosts this morning shooting up a Donald Trump doll with a Bug-A-Salt, it's not going down to well especially after they have just spent a week...
Liked On: 24-01-2023, 10:11 PM