Yeah I set my shoulder bump by progressively adjusting the die after sizing and measuring different individual pieces of brass - only sizing each once. This means the first few until the die is set...
Liked On: 19-11-2024, 10:25 AM
I would argue that even if it is a human failure it is a systems failure as well.
Liked On: 19-11-2024, 10:20 AM
We see these data leaks time after time be it FAL details, medical, IRD or whatever but we never see anyone being held accountable. All that ever happens is we get an oops my bad, sorry bout that....
Liked On: 18-11-2024, 03:38 PM
There was the stone age, bronze age, iron age etc. This is the dumb age
Liked On: 18-11-2024, 11:45 AM
Not a couple of hundred. Couple of hundred thousand people's data. “What is particularly concerning in this case is that IR apparently had no idea that these incidents, including the intentional...
Liked On: 17-11-2024, 09:33 PM
Off topic but the same thing. My better half goes out of her way to have nothing to do with social media, or internet, but recently got a E Mail from the IRD saying sorry but your details have...
Liked On: 17-11-2024, 09:33 PM
No kidding? I didn't need a university study to tell me that.
Liked On: 16-11-2024, 02:22 PM
As the old saying goes, no amount of schooling can cure stupidity, and a higher education positively reinforces it.
Liked On: 15-11-2024, 07:16 PM
AR2209 is perfect for the .303*. And those Hornady 174grain RN** were intended for your rifle. Don't worry about whether its .311 or .312 on the packet. It's a well known bullet for the Lee Enfields....
Liked On: 15-11-2024, 12:39 PM
Chaz Forsyth possibly, but otherwise your correct and their opinions about as useful as a colour chart designed by a blind man
Liked On: 13-11-2024, 05:23 AM
They certainly do walk among us. Some of the ones I previously thought were "us" have actually turned out to be "them".
Liked On: 13-11-2024, 05:23 AM
Had a few friendly detours so just got home :thumbsup: XR500 cheers for the meet and greet, Its always good to get to know and talk with a few like minded people around a fire
Liked On: 11-11-2024, 10:21 AM
I would have disputed that a mail order form for a suppressor is an activating event! With the FSA it seems the people who work there have on one hand very loose interpretations right up to wrong...
Liked On: 10-11-2024, 09:44 PM
Before the time limit reaches the cut off period....I'd pick up the firearm and take it home for a day or two, then take it back for the work to be finished. Jus sayn.
Liked On: 10-11-2024, 09:42 PM
I will add my very big thanks to you also Simon for the opportunity to come to your place and meet a few members , nice place you have there :)
Liked On: 10-11-2024, 07:45 PM