My Father passed away late last year. Fast forward to early March this year and my lad (12yrs) and I are on my Uncles farm helping to replace wheel bearings on his trailer. Uncle goes over to...
Liked On: 22-05-2022, 11:23 AM
If you are in Nelson area it seems you Take the skin and bones, and in some cases the complete animal and drive it out to Appleby and dump it in the riverbed down one of the tracks. Alongside all the...
Liked On: 17-05-2022, 10:28 AM
So just wondering how you blokes are going getting hold of components for the last year or so? Over here in OZ for some time ADI powder was hard to get but slowly improving now. ADI had some...
Liked On: 01-05-2022, 02:12 PM
195932 Shot this red spiker through the neck at 125 meters straight down no questions asked using factory hornady 62gr whitetail ammo. I'm really impressed with this little riffle, if my...
Liked On: 01-05-2022, 02:06 PM
Give a mates your net, they will fill it …. Made a grand plan to prospect a new reach …but made an arse of myself by over committing ..dropped gear off to ROKTOY’s place headed to hockey duty. ...
Liked On: 01-05-2022, 09:03 AM
Sell the 308 brass and buy 6.5mm projectiles
Liked On: 28-04-2022, 12:52 PM
The same crew as last trip headed back to the same place last Saturday morning. Weather forecast was excellent with the...
Liked On: 27-04-2022, 11:49 AM
ACC have really changed their attitude on hearing loss, had no problem 40 years ago getting my claim excepted plus re-assessments every 10 years. Now suddenly don't want to look back at my past...
Liked On: 25-04-2022, 08:57 AM
and I admit I've been a bit scathing in the past too . . .. but a bit of desperation drove me to it. In a particularly stupid move of self harm some time ago I sold a very accurate Lithgow LA102...
Liked On: 25-04-2022, 05:27 AM
My 2c worth would be to become active with Deerstalkers Club. Make connections, meet people and in particular, other hunters. If you’ve got your FAL well sorted, a safe is an imperative. Fitting...
Liked On: 24-04-2022, 03:13 PM
We have just come out of Block 7 (Burn Creek). This is an awesome initiative by DOC. The block we were in was without doubt the best High Country I have been in - stunning! There was a mate and...
Liked On: 22-04-2022, 05:49 PM
Continuing South after a week of work I picked up my son from Christchurch and we headed to Colgate for some evening fishing. Saw a decent trout in the Selwyn but spooked it and couldn’t find...
Liked On: 22-04-2022, 08:15 AM
I'm still waiting for my change of address inspection 13 months later.... Sent from my SM-A530F using Tapatalk
Liked On: 21-04-2022, 09:11 PM
.....never had this issue with a Leupold :D - just saying.
Liked On: 21-04-2022, 03:01 PM
Greetings All, At the moment I am sorting out some handloads put together by a now departed gentleman. This is something I have done a couple of times in recent years and this time there are labels...
Liked On: 18-04-2022, 06:42 PM