On the contrary - all power to you if you can shoot your big gun well! I can’t, so I use a small gun and feel more confident of a hit with it. Apologies the start of the thread gave you the...
Liked On: 30-08-2024, 04:25 PM
Used to hunt wainaks alot, place Used to be full of deer (4years ago) can't imagine it's changed. Just need to beat the feet and get a wee way into the block. Think the steep country put a few folks...
Liked On: 23-08-2024, 07:01 PM
Yeah, I will post a few loads tomorrow. I find the 270wsm a nice balance of having a lot of oomph and reasonable recoil. They are inherently accurate.
Liked On: 23-08-2024, 08:41 AM
One thing I discovered early on in the small vs large primer debate is that small primers fall out of large primer pockets very easily.
Liked On: 02-08-2024, 08:37 AM
Ate the first slow cook venison casserole tonight, tender as, moist and delicious. Thanks for the advice Team!
Liked On: 20-07-2024, 10:44 AM
I have been a member here for about 10 years and without fail there has always been someone prepared to answer/help out with my questions that only another wiser hunter can answer...the responses...
Liked On: 09-07-2024, 08:39 PM
There’s plenty of good s/h rifles out there, just try and test fire before buying. S/h or new buy one in a common caliber, easier and cheaper usually to get ammo for. You don’t need top end optics,...
Liked On: 08-07-2024, 02:19 PM
Did the O P grow up with dogs? Or is this a warm and fuzzy idea? A dog is a living creature , not a furry machine , so the dog will need all your attention - more than a potential girlfriend even....
Liked On: 26-06-2024, 10:01 PM
Brain fart moment - I meant deflagration not conflagration in regard to powder burning... The whole thing with GRT and Quickload before it is that they're mathematical models of a complex chemical...
Liked On: 17-06-2024, 08:37 PM
When it comes to standard centrefire rounds, all the powder *that is going to be burnt* is consumed within the first few inches of the barrel. No powder ever burns 100% of the kernels inside the...
Liked On: 17-06-2024, 08:35 PM
My house is facing north looking up the lake with the sun beamingin.Its hot in the lounge n no fire going. 251601 251602
Liked On: 02-06-2024, 09:09 PM
Oh I completely agree. In the 90s the average NZ hunter, myself included, didn't know much about this type of thing. You could really only get cup n core bullets....which of course were just called...
Liked On: 28-05-2024, 07:16 PM
bog std hornady cup n core 130 or 140 grn will kill everything you point it at and are usually boringly accurate with no effort at all to make them shoot...... if you want to go 150grn..grab nosler...
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 10:01 PM
I hunted with a 270 win for around 20 years and shot 130gn to 161gn projectiles and everything in between. I ended up settling on 140gn Accubonds for the last 5 or so years I had it. 24" barrel and...
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 10:00 PM
7mm tragic slow down some more..when you think your going too slow your nearly right..as soon as you stumble..sit down and rest and look around....MOST of us will have either spooked or shot a deer...
Liked On: 26-05-2024, 08:29 PM