Employ brain, not heart. Keep Greens and Labour out. Vote accordingly.
Liked On: 20-01-2023, 09:01 AM
McClay has presented trophies at CNIGC service rifle shoots, but then also voted to take them away. His local branch head is on the NZSRA national committee, and McClay is a lot less PC in person...
Liked On: 19-01-2023, 08:03 PM
These are the first 2 deer that I shot and sold. I was 21 It was in the head waters of the Mangahao in the Tararuas. About 5 hour walk to where I shot them. The rifle is a Brno .222. I shoulder...
Liked On: 06-01-2023, 04:42 AM
It's a bit weird, but belts generally don't work too well for me. All my hunting trousers/shorts have a continuous belt loop (i.e. no gaps between belt loops) which helps a bit, but I'm forever...
Liked On: 05-01-2023, 06:41 PM
Do you know what we need, We need everybody's Wife, Girlfriend, Sister and Daughter to apply for their licence. It is undeniable that the more women that get into hunting, or indeed any of the...
Liked On: 02-01-2023, 05:23 PM
Sadly, the "she'll be right" kiwi mentality, which my old man reckoned allowed the unscrupulous to take the p1ss, is alive and well in our community. The meekness, and the "I'm alright Jack" over the...
Liked On: 02-01-2023, 01:22 PM
When I was here in NZ a few years back Nimrods posts on his multiday walks through the bush always brought me enjoyment to read. I have always wanted to explore areas I havent been to in the past. ...
Liked On: 02-01-2023, 06:13 AM
Mohawk .308 around the $7000 i've been told.
Liked On: 28-12-2022, 10:42 AM
30k, jesus. Custom trays are mint if they are setup well and you only do with them what they are intended to do but they can become limiting aswell. I like the ability with a simple canopy to just...
Liked On: 28-12-2022, 10:26 AM
Il keep my patrol until it takes me to the grave,hopefully il have many years to go yet. 212652 212653
Liked On: 19-12-2022, 06:01 PM
More American trucks on the road down here than I’ve ever seen before too [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liked On: 18-12-2022, 10:43 AM
I know this Ute isn’t what most of us expect from a ute, my personal vehicle is a 2002 hilux 4Wd drive double cab, this is a townies ute, the ground clearance is not great, it’s 2 wd and I am not...
Liked On: 17-12-2022, 08:06 PM
The result of politicians creating division to their own gains and alienating hunters (and dare I mention shooters). It's easy for people who have access to private land etc to remain smug and calm...
Liked On: 17-12-2022, 06:40 PM
The dog and I got back yesterday from 12 days/11 nights in the Kawekas. It ended up not being the big walk I planned due tho knee issues, and the weather stopped the missus and young fella (and...
Liked On: 13-12-2022, 08:35 AM
This is my Shit&Bender Elite series biodegradeable European scope of the future. Saved long and hard for this. Don't give up on your dreams.
Liked On: 06-12-2022, 01:14 PM