Pippi has just turned 1yr old, was responding to recall and hand signals, time to take her for a walk in the "wild". Sticks to dad like glue, command given obeyed like lightning. Oh so happy to be on...
Liked On: 08-01-2025, 12:55 PM
Nice trip and good success,well done.Years ago I sat down on that deck having a drink after the walk in.About 12 stags stood up in the river bed and walked off.All with big head gear on,what a site.
Liked On: 07-01-2025, 08:28 AM
What a great way to start your hunting journey!
Liked On: 07-01-2025, 08:28 AM
that will be one to remember for sure :thumbsup:
Liked On: 07-01-2025, 08:28 AM
Iv been testing my (clip on)at 300 and 400yds.Seems to work fine.Dropped these 2 at around 294yds.Shot one,other just stood near him wandering whats going on just too long.Bang flop down number 2...
Liked On: 07-01-2025, 08:21 AM
Thanks all. Sounds like its not as much of a risk as I thought and makes the boat worth looking at when I get chance (6hrs drive). Not worried about fuel use. Fuel = fun :thumbsup: Also once add up...
Liked On: 21-11-2024, 09:43 AM
Found a boat that might suit our fishing and waterskiing purposes, BUT it has this on it. 2006 Johnson, 115hp and ~80hrs. 263596 How concerned should I be? 1) Will parts be available? 2) ...
Liked On: 21-11-2024, 09:41 AM
260603 This yearling should have come home in my pack, but after a week of early starts the lack of sleep was catching up on me and i decided to not to take the shot and come back in the morning...
Liked On: 09-10-2024, 09:46 AM
1st October Got to love daylight savings and hunting after work 260329
Liked On: 02-10-2024, 05:25 PM
Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well! I just wanted to share a small write-up if anyone's keen to have a read. The alarm went off at 3:30AM, and by 4:45AM, we were on the move, making our way...
Liked On: 06-09-2024, 12:07 PM
Akeake is an expression made by Maori warriors when fighting or defending a position and means “Forever, forever”, and it is also the Maori name for the tree Dodonaea viscosa, the strong wood of...
Liked On: 16-08-2024, 10:38 AM
Without wanting to dredge up my last post I thought I would just thank everyone for the positive feedback after getting my first DOC land deer over the summer. Tahr was right, the game bags are...
Liked On: 30-07-2024, 10:03 AM
I'm stoked you have had such huge amount of progress. Your confidence will be good again yabbadabbadoo. Now go shoot something lol
Liked On: 29-07-2024, 02:07 PM
I’ve used both and of course the decelerator is better ! What does the Jandal thing consist of these days ? Prhaps a hard plastic plate and two thicknesses of jandal all glued together with...
Liked On: 27-06-2024, 03:14 PM
Here's the setup I use for relatively controlled pad sanding. Actually used it yesterday to do a 15mm spacer on a new target gun- the length of pull was just a tad short.. It's a ply disc driven off...
Liked On: 27-06-2024, 03:10 PM