As my mate used to say "glamorous job aye"252179
Liked On: 12-06-2024, 10:04 PM
As my mate used to say "glamorous job aye"252179
Liked On: 12-06-2024, 10:04 PM
As my mate used to say "glamorous job aye"252179
Liked On: 11-06-2024, 08:47 PM
As my mate used to say "glamorous job aye"252179
Liked On: 10-06-2024, 08:42 PM
The problem is when you get them mixed up. You left foot tends to go in large ,but ever decreasing clockwise circles and the right starts small but ever increasing anti clockwise circles. People who...
Liked On: 09-06-2024, 07:24 PM
As my mate used to say "glamorous job aye"252179
Liked On: 09-06-2024, 02:36 PM
As my mate used to say "glamorous job aye"252179
Liked On: 09-06-2024, 01:34 PM
As my mate used to say "glamorous job aye"252179
Liked On: 09-06-2024, 01:12 PM
Velvet only trip230262
Liked On: 21-05-2024, 11:19 PM
Physically the same as shearers ,builders ,fencers and many of the professions that require manual labour. Finacially It was the same as any job ,some pissed it up ,some bought houses ,some bought...
Liked On: 19-05-2024, 08:00 PM
Fucking good ,Fuck, I liked it ,so did my fucking mate. He said fuck ,"Im going to show my fucking wife" .She showed the fucking kids down the fucking road and they loved the bit about your fucking...
Liked On: 27-03-2024, 07:48 PM
caveat emptor
Liked On: 02-11-2023, 04:27 PM
Dont forget the eleventh commandment, Thou shalt not doubt thou dog
Liked On: 21-10-2023, 04:19 PM
Fucking good ,Fuck, I liked it ,so did my fucking mate. He said fuck ,"Im going to show my fucking wife" .She showed the fucking kids down the fucking road and they loved the bit about your fucking...
Liked On: 02-10-2023, 05:28 PM
Physically the same as shearers ,builders ,fencers and many of the professions that require manual labour. Finacially It was the same as any job ,some pissed it up ,some bought houses ,some bought...
Liked On: 05-09-2023, 08:43 PM