caveman hydrographics
Liked On: 05-08-2022, 05:37 PM
Got anything constructive to say about the topic? Or do you just want to voice your prejudice.
Liked On: 03-08-2022, 10:14 PM
Of course. It is my job. There is no unequivocal evidence. Strong evidence may inform or sway negotiation. Alternatively the weight of public opinion might hold sway despite the lack of evidence....
Liked On: 03-08-2022, 09:49 PM
Had this arrive today. First impressions are very good, the handle is slimmer than what I’m used to but feels nimble, and it won’t get lost in a hurry! Savagely sharp too, sharpest out-of-the box...
Liked On: 03-08-2022, 12:11 PM
Bought a new Kimber Hunter in 257Roberts for a bargain. The caliber has always fascinated me. Randomly loaded up some 110 ELDX with 47 grns R19. SAAMI spec length. Velocity should be circa 2900. ...
Liked On: 01-08-2022, 10:26 PM
Little 3-9x36 Diavari on my Kimber (thanks chainsaw ) was going to run it on my Forbes but couldn't resist trying it out on the Kimber and I like it, handles and points beautifully. Could possibly...
Liked On: 01-08-2022, 10:25 PM
Liked On: 01-08-2022, 09:03 PM
I have had a nostalgic period, and so dug out some of my uncles old knives. Two of my favourite below; the Frosts Laminated is now my go-to hunting knife; the edge it holds is just unreal, and it's...
Liked On: 01-08-2022, 02:21 PM
Part 2 of the kitchen knife order. Western style chef's knife. Blue swirl acrylic handle, G10 fittings, Stainless Damascus, very light and sharp. 202325
Liked On: 01-08-2022, 02:20 PM
I have been commissioned to make a couple of kitchen names. Firstly is a Nakari, stainless Damascus, G10 and purple/ white Arylic handles. 201712
Liked On: 19-07-2022, 07:14 PM
I have been approached by a Facebook hunting group to donate a knife for their members to raffle with all proceeds going to Starship Hospital. Something I feel very proud to be a part of and do...
Liked On: 28-06-2022, 12:02 AM
Snuck in and out of Waihau. One released, one for sushimi 200132
Liked On: 26-06-2022, 08:02 AM
Messing around in the workshop . New handle for the Gerber Steadfast bought off forum member a few weeks ago.
Liked On: 26-06-2022, 08:01 AM
Ah makes sense now,nice looking setup.hit me up once you start making sheaths as I will be keen on one as well.
Liked On: 13-06-2022, 10:10 PM
198224 bowie from 5 yrs ago back for a tidy up and sharpen
Liked On: 02-06-2022, 12:00 AM