I bought one of those Skilhunt head lamps off Jacob. Really good quality build brilliant battery life comfortable headband. I recommend these. worth the money.
Liked On: 23-07-2021, 10:26 PM
I could not find this post for looking yesterday, just ordered a T2 mini, cheers.
Liked On: 11-04-2021, 06:36 PM
Night-into-day - no down on your products. But you have posted a thread here entitled '...2X comparison with my hunting torches'. It is for this reason that I speak about limited camera shot value,...
Liked On: 10-02-2021, 05:50 PM
Wasn't enough to throw out the scopes on my 17hmr or my 7mm rem mag
Liked On: 11-01-2021, 04:03 PM
Just got a little Sofirm C8G. Feels good quality. Will give her a flare up in the reserve out back tonight :thumbsup: Cheers for the quick delivery and help via email mate.
Liked On: 07-12-2020, 03:15 PM